Show eraelItietsusjdIn 4aenao u etek IXMAligeleiKipretii I At pretcnl hInt outlook for the cxlvnilon of the Terminal Termi-nal rultroad to 0111 Ijike r li I very brlht For polo Hcrkiiipyollitloni have been In projroM wllli raitiTii ixrtlct linkIng iDthlt I mucliiloirrd mil hIts ttnulnr Icist thaI IhllliIIIRY fjIllO to n hnlln tho very IIIAr fUIIII 11tn1 lutusuuctgur lIunelt 01 1 the Tin tnlllll a lists elllhh uIIIIIC bn luhcree ltpoctur poll hul ice I Illd not II Ih tuu hint t IIlIyhlng Oft 11 ahollt thee ltllln lilt I tlolllllrti hol ever hued the lennatlects uf railroad coin miiiilcBtlnii Uttwecn Bnlt Lake and It Angels vln the Terminal wore gosh Indeed and Mid that hula company ll now and luii been for tome little time looking over the Held while view to detmnlnlnc 1 the incut feavlhle route A country uondorfully rich In I mineral min-eral and nunoiiltural retonrree Quid Iwepeneil to development were n rail road to I MM thiouiili Mr llurnelt wai ul I DID opinion that In the nontol rail pomiiiunlmllon u very jxior mirkel would hut found In lw An eleii for the taildiioiltiof need Iii Itali that would Im I tapped by the nour line wing to the Inexhaustible supply of oil hero Ito thought liowtxr that wonderful reeulU nould follow lice bulldlngof a road 1 Iwtwtwn 1 IdM Angelen uml Suit Mfv Aiiionu other thlntu It would Iflre ui ijnloker coinmnnlmllon ky rail white tlieewl |