Show WELLKNOWN MCN II I Whllmn pmldrnl of Colby unUrrall ha accepted the prrtld my nf Columbia unUcrslty at nohlnllln U C JT Th recently rlald thlrlrrnlh luln eat Hamilton though young nnd handsome hand-some with clean shaven fiaturrs suf frr from paralysis of his loner limbs Th tablet ardred by the Herman emperor em-peror to br rrrctrl In honor of Illiniarik In the prclnct of lolllnern unltrrilty bears the Inrcrlptlon To the Orcat Cliannllor Wllh lm II Hall Culite the ncnrlln will spend the summer at the Isla of Man lie will Ink the chair nt a dinner to bo shcn b > the literary friends nf Bur Waller llriint to that dUtlngulihrd author When Ilenr U Abbey nrrld In London lust week he was compelled In remain with his family In rooms ut his oilier The hotels were so crowded that he woo unable l to s cur accommoda lion elsewhere A full account ot Charles Stewart IMrnell Is I la occupy much apace In the forthcoming volume of the Ilnellih Die tlonary of National Biography but the article contrary to the custom of the excellent work Is I not ilmed An nor n-or Is I made to treat Mr IMriulls political career from a strictly hlitorl cal standpoint of flew l lllimarck lian according to he Hungarian Hun-garian Onml Turr coil iurope durIng dur-Ing the lost tw ntyrhe years no less I n um than mMeOM00o francs IM ooo OMOM lie has dun this by pridur hog the eondlllon ot armed Irrrorlim which go under the name of peace In which we hay been IMng fur n qu etce cf a atnlury each lower vle 1 Ing wlh sdl other In the preparation I of costly armament |