Show glary lxr Illrkliitoll Mary lAW Illcldnaon eve horn In lMeliuHltn but after her marrIng celled for some years abroad and I snow s-now n resident of the city of Sew Yon k An early experience In life aa a teacher led 1 her to reallie the need tor a more pracllckl education for girls sail women wom-en and ihe hAl sought to teach 11 ter systems of training Her latmt work of great Importance waa In Denver Den-ver Colo where she hld a full profea aortthlp In Kngllali literature Huch an eillmul waa laced oq the talue of her ervloeji not only aa an Inatructor but a n Ruclal and moral Inlluince that her chair ttaa one of the ant lo be fully loa and Ohio 111 hcalt obliged her to resign thin imalllon t h I chair trni numeil for her and ahs wm made Kmerltua Irofeuor and hullo now i Its Lxglunahlp In Unsllili literature I the bus teen wcrelary of the Voman llrancli of Ihe American Illble Soclel national eilntendent of the aonialled diimrttnent of hlirtipr education In the 1 Wamuna Chrlillan Temperance Union and president nf the Woman a National Indian Aaaoolatlon She mnducleil for alt yenta a inazmlne devoted to the oar nf Invalid and held an auoclal I dltorahlp with Kdward Hverett Ilul a In hU Magailne of Ihllanlhropy Hh It t general teeretary of th Order or King DnuRhtera and the editor of Ite 1 maKazlne Her principal literary noel k are AmnnB the Thorn The A mlllr Star and On Ilttle Life novel r and In IKK try Th Divine Clirlt and Waiter Ioema In Ml pros Dlckln 000 wee ohoien president of the Worn an National Council with headquar I lor In NoW York |