Show I NEWSY IEHSONALS I Ioitmanter General Wllion I at L ng Itranoh n gueit of luldnr Hlroui The 1rlnoe Regent of llavarlu hut apM > lnled llerr Iouarl the famous German actor InUndant or chief of the royal theaters ilr CIMHI a 1enniylvanla lerman has a library enmi > o nl entirely nf bible The collection comprliea I nearly 1 Iho old nnd curloui etlltlone Th Duke uf Weilmlniter lien pent over S0040 0 In rebuilding Katon hall which In I now eonilderad tu rival Chun worth ni linHlanilii Hunt house Two Southirn vvrltere Samuel Mill turn leek and William I lla > nc are going in take the lecture platform together to-gether Peck weight WO and lan 117 IHiundi The heaviest bicyclist In Indiana la I Henry 1 Helby He Ii over 0 feet tall and he weigh 110 pounds when In condition con-dition He rldei a tvveiityfourpound wheel with hart rublwr tine Captain Wtllard llailer nccompin by hit wife and daughter private neere lary and guide have reached Cranberry Lake In their tramp through the Adlroi tu Like Chan lUeka from Oivvegalchl Chm plain Irlnr I Humi re k han endowed the lint Ile Home of the Axrarlan league with the money collected on the anulvera ot hit eightieth birthday itlpulatlng that I ihould b used for some national purH > HAn H-An attractive exhibit In the negro building at the Atlanta ixioilton ulll h a but of Charles flumner by IM monla lwlo of Kiime Italy I U I a contribution by Ur W II Johnson cit Albany N Y lo whom the butt vvvi prei ntd by tho iculptreii William Illack made a failure of portrait 1 por-trait painting before he took to inert tur He Ii I now SI yearn old lletneen yachting ihootlng and driving he gets more outdoor enjoyment lhan falli to the enthusiastic lot of moat botanist men ot tettcri He It I in |