Show Iliitrrni t trip fl r Imi I Tho July returns to blue statlstlcla of tho department nf agriculture by tho < spondcnta thereof make the fo lowinc average of conditions Cor 933 winter wheat Glue spring wlllol 102 2 oat 83 2 winter rye 82 2 olirIlig rye 77 all rye SO 7 barloy D19 rice BH potntooa 01 C tobacco 85J I Acrenro of potatoes compsml with I Sill ioio nnd of tobacco SIS per rent Tho report on nercngo of corn which It preliminary show 107 S as eumpnrri with Inn area planted In 1894 which was a little over 70009000 being An Increase of C 000 000 acres nnd aggro gating In rjund numbers 8000000 acres Tho averages for the principal corn states are Ohio 101 Michigan lOt Indiana lOt Illinois lOG Wltconaln lOG Minnesota 112 inwri 100 OIls soiirl 107 Knnsa 117 Nebraikn 107 Texas 112 Tcnnestee 107 Kentuck 102 Tho average condition of corn Is I 993 against 95 In July last year anti 032 In 1803 Tha averai0 01 condition of wlntr wheat la I fB 8 against 711 In Jllno aud 32 last Jill The percentage of principal stale ire New York 78 Iennyylvanla 88 Kentucky 8GI Ohio CO Michigan CO Indlnno C2 Illlnoli 50 Missouri C8 Kant 42 California 82 Oregon DG Washington 93 Tho condition of the aprlnc wheat Is I I 1022 ncnlnat 978 In Juno and 084 In Jl 1804 Stale uvengt are Minnesota I Min-nesota 112 Wisconsin 08 Iowa 100 Kansai 101 Kobraika SO Mouth Dakota I 112 North Dakota 102 Washington I 94 Oregon 90 I The average condition of all wheat for the country li 702 I |