Show DON CAMEHON lrniiilinlu > feinlnr srnilnr Ii 1rehlr lag for SI Years 11nratlon United Htalea Henator Dan Cameron of Icnnylvanla has declared hli Inten tion to KII Into the next national He publican contention with the Ienna1 I viola delegation at hli back The semi aln from IVnnnlvnnla hai hai hl t stia + s a r r CAMIIItON OP rilVVHVIVANIA reeldentlnl llshtnlnit rod act for name line and aa ho IK I In tutor of free coin aR0 nt 111 10 I holes In win many C oto mm Wea cm ilatra lie li I aim more or Iris I In favor of Roternment nwnerahlp ot Kohl and sliver mines rallna > a mind elvKrnph Jut at present he li I liKili InK after thin perinnntl of the IVniiijt inla dtl icntlon That II will Iw solid for him a K nn liiitern paper nuts IL goes without saying |