Show Mllllot ot UitlrrinrloiK ThomasUllo Is Iho center of ilea watermelon district which covers In area about UO miles square Including the southneatcrn portion of leorg anal the northwestern portion of Florida nnd when Ibo season opens Iho freight departments of the railroads In this section move their headquarters to Tltoinasvllle and the telegraph company com-pany sends down hire cairn opirntor I to handle thin Increased biiilnr I oc I casloned by the purchase and shipment t of the crop says the Chicago ite old The season lasts about two months beginning be-ginning with July and ending with August Au-gust and last year between 7000 and 8000 carloads were shipped outside the state carrying an acrage of 10 melons to a car which makes a lota of about 9000000 melons contribute to Use northern nail western appetite |