Show BANKING IN ILLINOIS OperallMM of the Tnrt aylnn of ttour < Ielat Seal Kitate Tllle Illlnoli Ii a eomrnoaweilth of many mall town In which numerlcaly the prlvat banking Institutions predominate pre-dominate Xor doe the luppoillon that builae men prefer to deal I with Incorporated bank teem to check the progreii of private MnUng enterprise In that state In 1899 there were 115 nuch Initltutloni In operation In ml i there were no tea 1 than 1 exhibiting a ratio of IDea which Is I not I equaled by tM growth of the national nation-al or the slat bonk The following I i table ghee the Unlear poattlon of thin three etsat 1 of banKi at too periods KM 18G No ot No of Hank tanks 1114 National bank 1M lllale beak t 1st Private bank 485 Mm The field for tbs national tianklnt system la I comparatively limited owing to certain well known restrictions Imposed Im-posed upon the iiaorlntlona orgnnlilng under It In the country dlitrlrta thin bankable collateral le I Inrgel coiiposed of land Mcurltlc an asnol discountenanced discoun-tenanced by the federal banking act Here a caution banker operating at his discretion and comparatively unlimited un-limited of the securities IImlld as to the nature ties In which bo may deal seethe nn opportunity for rendering an efficient Mrvlre to the community Ai nfferl Iny thin availability of inch Investment Invest-ment In Illlnol It Is I of Interest tn note that real estate security Is I about to be relieved of many of the dlinbllng legal burdens which Interfere with Ito easy transference The legislature of Illlnol recently pined an act providing provid-ing for the Introduction of w Iall I gun rally known aa the Torreni system Under thin item tHlei to real data are guaranteed by the itnto no that i unco thin title ll I eitabllihed the Itutu ment of proprletorahlp many be l trans erred with Ihe facility of a negotiable note Thin title to real tubule become bankable awela of greater effectltenea than that clan of wcurltle ha ever enjoyed The American Hanker parA ago urged the general Introduction of the Torrent iBlcm for the particular reaion Hint II turned n cumberitono > corny Into n quick anwt of unmea Honed validity I and the reault of tho experiment now to bo tried In llllnoln will receive the eloieil nttentlon of nil Iho who nro Interested In freeing material of credit from obsolete legal complcxltlri |