Show DA111Y AXDPOlLTin I INTERESTING OHAPTBftB FOR OUR RURAL nKAOllnS i I ihor Punnn mdlii 5 aetnr 1i ° OO Iie I Ielariieitt t the lad t leo 11I111 aa In 11 taee nl hIr 00k 1 axis Iolrr 0 blOt II l IttS il h eii I of the WIseon C 4 14 Ii alII rlllmhl ta ii114 4 lIon rllhlll on tIle Ji allbJ t nr laIUtla 01 j rnA I t conilttooa milk III I J 1 evltaily surfer II dlOlllle In II pimps hb i I n R I mlolillon rcryl 0 cW t J that lOOn rnllra k 0 ro o It IIDnt for hllmoll tooth 1 Till crmrlilntlon li mm nonly called 1 souring ullhoiiRh here arc masked under this general name n number of other chanKe Tha souring of milk ha l due to the action of numerous livIng or ganltnia that break down the augar In the milk forming lactic ncld antI time clmiiKo In the chtmlcal rracllon of the milk renuUa In Ilic formation of n hard firm curd If the entrance of thmo organlsmi Hint tome from the Unit of the nlr the dirt and filth that I dl totleeil from Inn nnlmnl the Impurltlea I Hint re balm In the crnckii ntul faith of theM the-M ol8 1 Hint are uteil 1 10 hold l the milk could be enllrrl ireenled milk would remain coMet for mi lnd < finite period of lime Hrrupuloiii cleanllnna In ao curliiR nnd handling aucb a perlahabli article n milk dots mtich to keep It 1 In a normal condition but even with the licit of enre miicli Ion U occttalonnl hip the pretence of there growing Inc tcrln thnt oe cnpable of exertIng such I n profound Innuenro on thus food proil uct Not only ilora the conmimlnK publlo ilrmnnd Hint ill milk iiupply ahotitil ben be-n free at ponllilo from forclRii Ito I ptirltlea ao that It will rilaln Its keep tug qimlltlPB for tIm longest poaalblo time hut the relations 01 milk to the public health especially to the welfare of Infanta and children IB I a questIon of paramount Importance The recognition recogni-tion of the fact that consumption In Ito many plmwa la I n common dliente at ilnlr rattle and that the poulblllty ot Infection exists thrnucli the lice of mlllt of tiiborculoiK onlmnla has done much to awaken the public Interest In a closer examination of milk supplies The varIous epidemics I ot Uphold and scarlet fccra as well as diphtheria that lIvId bon traced directly to nn Infected milk supply show coucluil > that the ponslblllt nf Infection being transmitted transmit-ted by mcnns nt milk Is not to bo Ignored Ig-nored In rontlderliiR wn111I which It Is I possible In render our milk nup pile purer and moro wliok oine tho hygienic silo of tho queitlon must bo conildcred as well na tho economic phase In order to nccompllili tho above purposes pur-poses holly or In part man mctli otis of treatment hno been simRoated thnt are based upon Ihue action of different dif-ferent ploslcal I and chemical forces I All of thmo attempt to nccompllsh their i purpose by cither InhlbltlnR the growth of or acttiolly destroyliiR the bactirhl lIfe thnt Inovllnlil paint accus to milk under ordinary condllons One of Ibo mOlt successful metlioils of treatment linn been In tlio me of lient applied Indifferent ways TIll Importance of the above rilntlon Is I dcmbniitrnted In a recent cpldunlc of Uphold fuer In Rtnmford Conn Irof C A Indslej secretary of state board of health In a letter to the writer under dnto of May 20 1895 sap In tho town of Stnmfonl of about 18 000 population tho cases now number over 300 All these cases are the customers of one milk peddler In several Instances In-stances where persons contracted the dlscasetheydrank milk while visit InK at the house of tho milkman It had been tho habit to wash the cans with water from n well and It Is I thought that thin contamination of the milk occurred In this way |