Show MEN FUn TJLK AltolY BIOIITY PER OENT OP nnCRUITS REJECTED 11sr Army Is w Ilkr1 lueptae nl Ihr Ian ltnllr of oanj and letie Mrs In the Uiirld NTKIIINO TIn United States army is I more difficult than loving your I life InMired If a man can iticcCMfiil 1 ly answer tho marching qtiMtlons of the recruiting odlcer and pan tho 1 fJ surgeons exaralna tlon be may well be proud of lilmwlf And It li I necessary to have aupcrlor men In the army for more than ordinary physical and mental lamina arc miulreil to chase Apochf over the thlraty deserts of Arizona trail bandit Ibrotifth the thorny chaparral of Texas fight the wily Sioux In the lilting cold of a Dakota winter soil anon tend firm and silent before the taunts and rolMllM of a howling mob of strikers Our army of 2KOOO men require about 8000 recruit annually to kc pIt p-It up to full atrtriKln There lime been great changes lately In the method of obtaining the mm and more are con templaleU by Secretary lamoot For many years It WM the custom to collect remilta eallited In the large chime at what were known aa dpol loealwl In New York Harbor Columbus Ohio and 8t tonic There they were kept under Inatructlnn three or four month when they were forwarded In detach nicnla of 40 or U lo regiment Thin plan rlluillol In keeping about 1100 urn constantly out of the rank a very serious lass I considering the smallnets of the army aa H whole When the regiment brgan to movo nut they nera mad to recruit for tlirniMlrei and the system proved a iiirceaa from the outset A better claw I of men were itecureil and they Joined their companlwi at one her 1mlf the recruits enlisted lout peer were obtain ob-tain this way The dtpots hn o been illaronllnued as such nnd K rrltoned with reKlinenta brought from the frontier fron-tier Only snout detachments of recruits re-cruits are now kept nt each one and three nro Kent west just AI quickly as enough are niwmbled to make It worth wally In addition to nil Mi the mini Item of recrultliiK slnlloni In than largo cities Is I being reduced us taut nil pan sable half a doien having been dlaeon llnunl during the past year There are Mint thirty of those sta lions now Three are In Chicago two In Now York ono earl In Ihlladelulila 81 Lotili Cincinnati nnd Bt Iattl anal Ihe rcmMnder In elutes I of large site throughout the roil n try Every 1 ono U I In charge of on officer who Is I nMlsteil by a picked tort of noncommissioned ontrerii and prl ales Outside the tara and tlrlpea Host gracefully over the door million trim orderly paces to anal fro his bell a nmncl of pollen and his ROM of Immaculate while It la I lull duty lo answer questlona nail exclude any person who mny be objectionable Inside are the office the examination room and the quarter for the lusty l anal such recruits as are waiting transportation trans-portation elsewhere Men are fur nlihed a uniform the moment they rnllit and from that moment also are paid and eared for by tho governmentAl government-Al every nut Ion a stream of nppll coots good bad and Indifferent Is I constantly coming and going llul those who are In the slightest degree Intoxicated Intox-icated or woo prevent any lelble disqualification dis-qualification never get past tho orderly order-ly That Individual lias tho keen glnneo of a delMthe He hits seen hundreds of men come and go In the army am Los n my accurate Idea of the llni Hint are wanted Onco before lie recruiting officer the candidate Is I nuked n long string o I questions blue anincrs lo which nro recorded re-corded and signed by him Tills tread Is filed In the War IVpartmcnt anal If I at any subsequent time the man Is I prad to have used deception to obtain ob-tain enlistment Ian II I tried by court martial and dismissed In addition to lialng n good pltyehmnl record he must be not under = 1 or over 30 yeas of age unmarried able lo speak write and read the Kngllsh l language nnd be ouched for by some responsible party lie must also be n citizen of than Unltei Stole or at least hate taken out his naturalisation papers failure to comply com-ply wllh any of these requirements is I i a valise for Inalsnt rejection |