Show b Tribute In llnl on the fl > lear if a ilrint blrlhd > pngram appJr the fllwlnl touching touch-ing tribute on the purl Hr the Chicago 1rwMi Club i a Ih n1 d Her It was wrliln by J > bn Mi IIrllI of the press club eluThrer Three linn wrepin far tare mn the nnlviraal pall of hlal k cloth ass Laces hung on the mre In of Chlcago rr Lincoln llarn II Irani One only hasa the city Ir mr man flung forth the colors of the I nlon In every form from eiray window lulling Ilk a May I QUH Tin n tram the c iiiieror 1M rltlan iw Unit klndl nests rode toot Ihee rvrlons gaslng on seas of emlt0e through temi dle l of wrlnunr tie wa good to this city Hr lgnil In II four millions for la ixistiiflle and million for us hnrlior II asked Con grrM lo mMI1 a mint her And when Ih clip lurnml labs waa the trongral hand pill forth Th laws were made qultkly hide the ruin of Chicago and tin Mnrwi of Ih nation wr lent lo make in nimbi II I dad on Mount McnrMear ami Imbrlim nf VIckaburK stool at Hili I War and aarrlxl tila COIL They 1M hMrlmtlth Anwrtoait n IMn 1 < urtln from Its Iron and r Mn lands pourd a gnat love over the M4ril drad on Ont whose tm ami warlike shut hail hurled awful armlra Into the abyss of drath that by ahllltrlHf homes homol mlthl eaa lo Iw broken and thai rvlurnlng over the lilnodlnt l JAlh In our hlttory he might brine sad lid Inaa of lose While ft million mourners went will Oranl 10 111s tomb there roiinwd hlIO simile the Umo hr a solemn unit inlnhly panopli of the clips woe Th Imply ralafudiu lh uninounltd horse the fum rol I mara h Ih military trmdthru went Iy and islet f toontl her ilinaU wh eo Joy had rlromd the IK Ing Roldktr Wa ml Ihla annUraary day that riranl woe turn under th nlmot itar frtl < l canipr of n lnatIw l built by 1 rdlnand 1xk who t dayd tar gunira of ohlldhooil where the chalet bullillnga of Chicago IM We Mil to the praise of Irani nn uralor who roa 0111 of mir soil with the ilaMM and dandll of the prattles ao lately clot at hand Ik loIe him sit two of the most renowned lltlHK aoldlra of tae North and Houtli llonnrtt and 1lltllniili Iee IIIIIlou l aMlilanln guests and orators |