Show f lOLITILtl SOTKS iI i I Tho Waulel county ilelejitlM were Instructs to vote fur Thonmi Kern of ark City for KMtor front the Hflh eemttorlal illitrlcl The wnatorlal contention con-tention Inert III lark Cite to morrow The Democratic JuJIcUl convention held at fait lathe lest Setaplay and loln I lilt Vmlrewr Ilownt and Ietirannle t Young acre oh1I ec the mmlllnie for JIIlltu of the Thlt Judicial l District I OIllrH V > VI < tTl K I The faliooing are the other judicial omllmtlm tun le by tire Denim ran 1ourth Dlilrlcth V U Ilion Illlli tlldrlrtJ W thrUtlnn tint DUlrlclC II flout h the JIIlIelollIrnlloll 01 the Sixth district thiUlliiClrHYille atnrlHt r A V McDniiIrl of Itkhllell 1 oat nom Insteil a8 Drmnrrnllr < an Dilate 1 for < llt trlct jiiljf I J Meart cf IllchHell writ the oily oilier ttnlliltut uud 1 re ealvixl but Hr vote nil from net ler I Seventh liiiirlctI l It Kh > ule |