Show ADVJCE TO WIVES GIVE YOUR IIUANU A HOLIDAY HOLI-DAY AND AVOID BORgOOM ttnanteal f the Ilnee7tsee Alwnra insWle 1 AI the IleneemiagIIIIw rky 10 iliac IHitiltj lln Italy of tl 1 e 1IBKK W n nl three women and one man tilting on G the gallery In Ibo dusk r Ilially mid i the woman In the thlrt walit It one e i waant going away there would bo i nothing to tad about Converiatlon would 1 be demonetlged Yn agreed the man the ratio It I lit to 1 In favor of the free coinage of paaea to the aurnmer resort The queer part obaerted the woman wom-an In while duck Ii I that wo all nay we would rather lay at home nnd we are only going for the benefit of the children lly the way did you over think what an admirable excuse children chil-dren are for everything All that you do or leave undone you can lay on themFor my pirt aid the woman In the blue dimity I always nmko It n rule tn travel every now and then form for-m hinbanda health Kh how U that Inquired the man who doe not Rtnayi find It my to keep up with the aubtlelli of feminine login InclrWell Well responded the blue dimity you know he cant get away from his bumbles but very seldom After I hate been at homo for n good while I find lie are boring I each other dreadfully We are both polite nnd we atipprewi our feel I net na well na we can but the fact remains that wn know just the atone things I have heard nil hli itorlra lie Ii I a Rcntleman In the death but I can detect by time artificial ring In hla laugh that ho doesnt think my joke ai funny ni ho 111 the second or third time he heard them Then 1 know It U time for mo to take a trip somewhere where Dear me murmured the woman In white nnd tho man nheently lit him wit another cigarette Yea wont on the blue dimity and when 1 come back I have n now lot of torlpi and fresh Joke and no ore ao glad to ate roch other we uoiltlvcly encore en-core our honeymoon How very odd nnipe1 tuo woman In the shirt wnlat Not n lilt coodnatnrodly rcpllwl 1 limo blue dimity Did you never oho ntkcd ctirlouily itiipect that your husband got tired of you and Iho chll drcn nnd the whole domeallc paraphernalia parapher-nalia 1 naliaGood Good grncloui no was tho re iponw Why hen the lieil man In this world lie pull the children to bed and does the marketing and loan deem to mind now though ho tited to getting tip to look under the bed I for robbers nod putting the cot out Kxaclly sold the blue dimity and dont you know there are tlnieu when ho U I drat and worn out and nirtoui when ho wlihei he could go back to his bachelor days when ho would like to enl who ho like without anybody reminding him that It will dlmcrco with him when ho would Ilka to smoke 01 many clears na he vtnnU to and to feel that ho con coma homo nt any hour In limo morning without n reproachful figure niklng In n frcetlng voice le that you John I Were poll ever n man naked he of the cigarette with deep fueling In bli voice No I never wai said the blun dlmtty and I nm not nn Imitation man In bloomer either furthermore I Am not apenklng for Iho fcllona who neglect their whoa nnd play up to Iho limit nt the club I nm hiking of the good domesticated Darhlei who never Rd nu evening out without being chaperoned by their wive or children In my opinion Ita every womaiii duty to give her htubniul holiday now cold then Tho women looked at the blue dimity In alienee n moment then they Mild Hut our hiiiband write tin how lonwomo they arc when we are genii Toon alt the blue dimity would you dlvcoiiraie pollteneaa After n woman Ii I 30 iho should take her com pllMtnti at their face value You lire very odd they repeated again but the man preeed her hand ni he bid her RoodnlKht Yoiihl you mind repeating thli to my wife ho nikod tread lunnrI l A cad eyosh schoolboy approached time master and begged leave of absence for the afternoon In order to run the er rnndi of lull lick grandmother Tho mailer pitying limb liclpleiiuoai of Hit Inflrm old 1 woman granted hli recjueit I Some time after the boy again npked pcrmliilon to be absent ai Ida grandmother grand-mother wee dying and needleu to say his petition was n second time granted A few days Inter tho poor boy with lean In hie eya beRgeil leave to attend at-tend Ills grandmother funeral and for Ihe third time he Will excused ntteml anc at nchool About S p m the mmo day an halo female vlclouily rang tho doorbell and Indignantly demanded of Ihe schoolmaster why the boy Will dc talned nt school every afternoon My deaf woman exclaimed tho aitonlihxl pedagogue I thought you were dead and burled Your grandwn has gone 10 your funerJll |