Show Ilalruon nn 15 1 Llntoh Ill hla Kraut Irlbul lo Abraham lln niln nl Chlravii on III ncoarlnn of Ito etlrbrntlon of the nnnUr ary of the birth of the munlfr TMUIcnl lion Ilnry nlorfwn mild I am nut hr for conlrotry Hill when we ore d1 and Ron bles lrhlo mrniorablllA of lion who rnll knew wheat Itrmi were offered Hi eonfdrar > within M daya of II total eollapeewill how thai In the Individual Juilmnnl nf nil of thm Ike wladoni of time 1I1IIIIIn l aal < l arrriil And why nt lhy mil acwpird It snap tins will of lull that thr ihmll lea as noda own prophet had IT niibwd a nw birth of frdum and this rould only Ut reached by the coinidoli hilt rrallon and ntlnrllnii of the vrr > Idea iif slavery floU struck Lincoln down In Ih mom nt of HU triumph lo main hit O1 bllahitt the south to obtain u llul Ilea did attain It and here n sin this night to silent It Hod will be lane on inilli aa III Is l In heaven Hut lot no southern nun haunt halo sneer it me brrauM I canonli Abraham Un coin for h wa th only frlrnd we had when frlnda ur nxxt In and he wu hie ona man who wanted 10 > rrrt ua Inlarl In nave uo from the wolves ul utter punton and plunder that timid tour t-our doom and M as tlmt tluil of whom It has tied sell Whom tie lalh 111 rhanuntlh mranl thin we should lu rhaitnd Unrnln was put out of the way by the bullet uf all aMuiiuln havIng hav-Ing neither lot nor IIo1MI l north or south but a wlnxtd rrnlr offal coining from the ihadowa of the injptlo world which Ach > lua and Shah 1 Carr nincnlral lu traiMly Colonel Watlron paid n hUh com iilmnt lo Uncoln lowers In delMl lilt nundrful acumen and tilt kill at oeltlon I gather that hI wss not a rlll ser vi lrr reformer of Ike iwhool nf heaver Cltvtland he rniitlnu tecauaa I and among ha paH < r > n ante 10 Hunt n In whl h with not the falnlnt untu patlon ur push l acedes of culture at Ih II m Carl B hula and Thl r u aIda a-Ida he blunil ma I PIT milly n1h 1 JR b Tr na of Vw lent ta a tipI I u n i 1 In I f a i d 1 r I r k alb a-lb v r h j tha 10 ntlb I IU I r r Jultn rtriiirii null lie iuludcd n in an alui 1 1 11 + r to the dead horn virtu aeeompailvA by an argument that he wan Intplr by heaven to Ma ate work ending with their words tykes did Ilheheepeare fit hU an toy Where did Moiarl lIt hla mere Whnar hand mol the Ire of the Vent lieu plowman and ataytd tbl Ufo Of the orman priest Clod Ool seal Clod alone and as these were ralatil ap by tot Inspired by Ural wan Abraham Un rain and a Ihouaaml years hM hoe story nn tr > gdy no chile heels 1 will be bullet wllh ereeter wond r or lee I t1 towed by mankind wllh dlllr rIIAIl than that which tall of his life and death |