Show JUST LIKli KIILINO Ile 1arena Timely IVnallr on tw of IIU Aalugrli Itudyanl KIpllniTlinvTnirecfnTiy toon herd presrdl by requeiti far his autograph auto-graph hn devised a happy method of a tieeiU IIUDYAIID KIILIVO sifting nppllcanli and RIvIng It only to those who like himself > are charitably Inclined MuiIng upon hli predicament one day the plan came to him He at once sat down and eompoicd a brief circular cir-cular lo autograph hunter The circular circu-lar lit had printed and the lypi matter electratyped m ai to he lure oran unlimited un-limited itipply The circular declirtn that hit algnalure will bo sent aa soon ai he sees the teekera name printed In the New York Tribune ai a contributor of not ten 1 than ItCO to the Tribune freahalr fund |