Show I 11111 arm lUstran Utah Hept lie lotS 1 kHm > H TIMU ireilrlck Mephen I nf StIlt lake City wan rlfltliu here elating KM week 1olltlci lie Inlet hete to far The I I rvple are lex IUty think of them I Mr Icing llotiil h1e teen I quite I tick thl week but li I rvporicil 1 letter at title rltltif I lieorviJudd attrmleil lice Driiiocmllr rotiTrntlon In Malt Uk a n lelefdtr 1 I rom here lice rain Morui vl the Idth dli itchy he 1411 le In Kctllnt their cto 1 > In bat j it 1 cc a luiiili meiliil l Jorpli IMgeootlli hai I gore to Park J I City nut tuay rrinaln thtte t eme time j If he I rind rmpkl tin lit 1 Attorn Timntcnd con ilavtnfniin ltIrk City nn the 18th nt lend I nr 10 official of-ficial h lnej 1 tier Thlt l In hit Dirt 1 I lull but may not Iw I the Uwl ITt < I-Tt teplien Toiiiiiany thre > iilni imihlne icee been wnrkltiK eteadlly the Icet I neil Hit had to rldntrack for a lormon VnlnenIay ufterncxin iHir n > tlr i and conilable Imd a Jab on helrhamlt thlmwk TtII I nid Cube Cu-be t the rim wo nines the election lenefer ins I tour liar for pf < f officeii III Ket fat In iiiKl It check well 1 lor the rople llmtunrh in I the eate W II |