Show Dr PrIces Creom taking Powder akami CIIW MoM > J htniso Oak So Ills Is t trry foul policy to nnlf t lyiimlomt I I ul I tumble In thin kldimyi II ntlunwl t oiluulop thll tssuee und iitr rlni ouch wirrnw llrlultt hi l nc K DlAuntit and lies sq oo tlielrttrml brvnlriKu HIH I 1 lilulltv to nritlvtl ol lUlIrtt wiiin t tWo td lug tmitoin Dr J n McUttnt hirer AIII Kidney Ito m rennin mutt fur rosy illwuw or whuroe of the illiiey A trial will owrlmr you ul lie grout latency 1ilcvll per will Ing It and umiMnu tu In lllo cy niu m dii inu u oleo of f greet yduu for rliwumalliiii In iii > NICk 1 piliu In thu chest pleiirl inI all uhieplMteil 1 god mu cul r pmn 1 or vile by John Duty urn A Son I1u iif Ifllrr Itfinniiilni unmllnl far al the loot orK i < In l IVMhlll on Sept in lent When ItllInK for Ah of those letter ph Hi nor mherllwil t li s Kliinbuiy Juno A Jnns Join j A 1111s J I knikouu i Ferro K aeru IrdJ II on feel mil dow n bate no tirrnyth no IMIII and feel iliwl all the time tubes iHnir ol lir J II tlrLa I NUN Klrrnvlhunlnif ronlinl Nod lhlaol l Inri Her Ito hll uupart treniih viiroi outs 1 I ihwrfulneo lice el II per Uittlt ItricUcit Ihl l melt in tilt i CiKh Kitrunlii tuner siulls huh h u tin U or Inliiiiu Hint lillili rn nlIt110 > > orilic IHIIKIH Illliinn A llufiiinwr Hiipcrliir Io all all lsrr iniilui In HiiUli llf iiuil ilinilll lu Mill I > r3 HUM rriiMiiuilili ilicii Jim roll mill err iliciIliif cloud inil Ifiirn nurpiU II Pr J 1 J Iluuil to tous i < lHittd owe door rout uI 1 Imtvili nuue l Night rnlis at rrtllem u nn h K Ait nf Tl < tii > 1111 i < r S If Awarded Highest Honors Worlds Fair DR IiI CREAM BAItING POW IR MOST PERFECT MADE A pure Curt O am of Tartar Powder Pitt hlwddulterat4 Arn Alumoor I from Ammonia Alum or my otntr aduUwtnl I I 40 YEARS TUB STANDARD BLANKET BLANKETS r From 150 to5 per pair All th latest styles of Fall and Winter Dress Goods 1 At prices to suit all parties i Gin i g naIllS a s i 25 yds forM 1 union for-M Siting 20 gas i 1 I Other Dry Goods at Prices that Defy Competition I I Grocery Stock Complete and II I I Nails Horseshoes and Bolts at Bottom Prices At PEOPLES HER Co I ALMA ELDREDGE Manager 1 I JOHN HOPKIN I DKVIKlt t IN I General Merchandise ECHO CITY UTAH Prices for This Week Produce I Potatoes per cut i oo Cabbage I Onions lltcU 75 Turnips II Ptiinips Green Vegetables iidKhes per dox bunches i Lettuce per doz bunches Jreeu Onions per dOl bells revs Peas peril String litmus per Id llutter per 16 20 ll HS per down 126 Spring Chickens per dos Old Chicken per doll Ducks per dozen Wheat per bushel 60 OaU per cwt 100 Harle per c tHigh t-High Patent IMourper cU 1111 Ilrau and Shorts per cwt i 00 Utah Dried Fruits Apples per ll > 10 j I Pcadies II 9 I I Plums II 3 Apricots S I California Evap Fruits Es iporatcil Peaches I2 y j 1aporoted Applest2y iiporated Plums ii > i tay I Evaporated Apricots uyi Groceries Provisions Granulated Sugar 5575 Arbuckles Coffee 25 Greets Coffee 25 takers Chocolate 15 5cct Chocolate 35 UaiMiis 6 Currants 7 Yeast Powders etc Royal per Hi 15 Cnltunet per Hi 35 Silver Gloss Starch 12 Corn Starch 10 Syrup per keg i 75 Syrup per gallon can So Pickles mixed per keg 115 Soaps etc Nickel Gem 22 bars t 00 Olive Queen 18 bars i oo Pine Tar 6 cakes 25 Saponiflcr Ic per can 10 KagluCond Milk prcan 20 Utah Tomatoes 10 Canned Corn 10 Navy Deans 5 Lima Mentis 6 Rice 7 Corn Meal 3 Full Cream Cheese izi Pure Candy Hams i 11 Itreakfait Dncon 13 Salt llacon 10 Lard 12 J > Above we quote prices on a few staples in addition to which we carry a full line of Groceries Tobacco and Cigars racnt Medicine Hardware Crockery and Glassware nKo 1 II I complete line of Boots aud Shoes Dry Goods Hats Caps md I Clothing Your patrouage is lespectfully solicited Orders will receive careful aud prompt alteution JO8N HOPI IN Il |