Show NEW WOMAN IN nt SIA Pmjeel ni I out In Rlaeals Ini l rrourlil n r 111 I Ihylelae I The council of state In Bt Petersburg In I busy with time project of n medical I Imtltute for women In which women Mill study na accoucheura and physl l clans for women and children Tho nurse of study la lo last four yeas ill Mdid Into ilitht remeaten Half yearly examination on paulni from one lourm lo another will lie I ui obligatory an In ordinary unlterilllra Aftt > r cum plfllnit their atudlea the rtudenla will hate to practice for one to three yens romWa In ttomina clinic or similar hospital i All women ruin so lo M yearn of age who hoes I aaaeil the ordinary high nhool exainlnatlona Inclmllnir faith and reek will ba ndmllted Thoe who RO through the whole muree and are aucraaiful In their examlnatlona tvfl gain the decree and name of female fe-male philcpn and can practice both In private coil In hmpltali for women and children but will not be allowed to direct city hoipltali 01 to be called aa eipcrti In law cases or for the army Tho Institute will lie opened In HS7 n hAl already a fund of S70IW ruble and In the course nf In rare will receive an Income of 17100 rulI lea mostly jv rlte from bequests aa well HI from tho generous Rift of the brother Bchen J hoehl I I l iy iludent will pay JM r4 ii i > rl i fu her Initructlon |