Show tOMLNCJ COXGHESS OMU NBV FACE IOH TUB I LOWSII HOUSE I Trorey nl MMmrt vln Camp In 10 n Irrt leer < I1xnttlil Tklr of tills till-s Very Cwng IISn r That May Yrl Ileeme IcaCons I MONO the new aln face In the fitly r f > urih congress wilt IA In found that of 1P i John Patrick Tracy who will rePMflt t the aeventhlllacourl Q dltrlct In led lower house Mr Trsoey came In on t he flood tile lam November hut at the same limp he had IonIC been a prominent figure In na llnnal plelllues and In Orand Army dn Irs He was born In Wayne Ohio In 1HM llearell m a farm he aerured hla primary duration du-ration In a dlatrlcl srhnol M an early age he rrmnted with his parent to Indiana In-diana where ho attended a country school At the age of eighteen hon ho-n reading taw and leaching st nineteen moved in Mlaaourl at twenty two and mauled at twentyfonr Hn > Hating aa a private In the Union Army In Ills he wan mustered out with led rank of Plrat ltenlpnant In IMS II was rommunloned Ideulenant Colonel ami enrolled In April IMS After the war he aellled In fttnckl m and nMII1 In the practice of law but removed to springneld in hell and engaged In jollr naps se the edltnr of a Itepubllca new Ialeer HP wan on the Grant electoral elec-toral ticket In IMI ItepubllPan candidate candi-date for llallrond ommlaiilnner In 117 andldale for Hlpcloratlirge on the Urllchl ticket In IAtO nnd 1 wan com mlulnneil United Htate Marihal fur the Wlern Dlatrlct uf Mlnourl IMO anl terted until 1191 110 tvai elected lo the rifl > fourth Congress u a HP publican Dr Joel oullallllluhhard Mlawurli represent i lite from the Hlvlith Putrid wai born In the Hate and tint raw the light on the day that Abraham Lincoln tvai elected Imlilent llli medical dl I Plasma ttai won at Ihe Mlmourl Medlcul College In ISM Ho took an early Inter cell politic wai elected County Court Clrrk of MOIKIII counl > 111 1000 and re rlectiHl 1 In IKM He at present com blue Ilia iwiltloni of bank preildenl amid jaurnatlit the Versatile Mo I Hlatmiinan bplng under his Dell torlal control Dr Hubbarda cue I J I TIIACY 1118811 III eeu li I emphailied by the fuel that the IUhth Dlilrlrt I naturally natur-ally Democratic and that hli np ponent lllchard Turk hand one of MlMourl preeminently fat oui nonea had repretPntei It for twenty wo years laver pine the formation uf he Seven leenth Dlitrlct of 1enniyltan the II publican nomination for ConnreM hi > I been connlilered an empty honor and when a > eur ago Monroe II Kulp war nomlnateil to succeed lion H 1 Wol terlon who had reprenentnl the dl trial so ably even the party leaden dM nol expect to 0e him elected Later lath la-th year the Democrat nominated CI his opponent exVnlted Btalci Senator Charles It Iluokilew who In a 1 > ollllcal career of half a century hid been ds toal ed but once and that by the aol dl riUeiman John F Hartrantt for the Oshernatnrlnl hr Rut the cam pSlea 1 > whtth fellccrd tltlll was eo vlgoroua when Ih IVUU was announced It raf wasfonnd that Ih splendid nemocratlo JIJortlt of nearly elx 1 hadheea > Ihourand In IMS n mercomy and that Ile IClllp Ml 1sa l Jf the stale ticket by 1104 voles Mr been lceted by a majority of Ml 1 altl MlIn EnIp pas bern In pot PennylvanlIn Inn spent moat of his Ilfe In b0oltln I where he recplvpd R common duel edu tliN 10 which h < l added a sliuon al he T WHIP Normal College WJtton o sod Caiman College Potghkeepste N Y lie haD been In the whuiseale lumber hUln silos he left 1I1OOJ and I drr > Ing IIn a general eon I e I 0 1 r 1I011lHT n TAMKH OHIO trading ulnrfi Ho haa alwaya peen an ardent n lutillian but was never before a in IliUle for office Hbpri w Taylor of IJbon Colum bluar > unl > o Itepreaentatlve In Ihi Ilfltf urth r ncrpa from the lilghl frnlh Dlirlit tot Ohio wan born al 00 I III I j 11 I I 4 i I I I e 1 1 11 I r I 1 I 1 iIi i I1 I Ii Ill li 1 w I v K i t tt I c y s r y iwMl Ile 11r y M I wrM QNIt JIAltY 1 111 niCICINMON Youngstown O Not M Ills lIe ral uiled nt Vealern llenirvp Cotlexe In June mi In ftplember ho com mencwl loachlnu In the high school at Uabon and waa electwl mi rlnlenliu of achoola In lots 1 and releclrtl In 1171 from January 1171 to November 1171 h was nlll r of the lluekeye mate In Apl 11 1877 hr was admitted In the bar and wan elctil IroneculInK Attorney of Columbl nn County In USO peeving until Janua y IlK liver lire hli ad million lo the bar he has lean notltel 1 engaged In the iractlce of hla profea ton |