Show DOLLARS AND CENTS I Th 11111 lint of Delaware might b 1 bought for IMMIdl In IMI there wore eT1IOII1OO In gold and UtOWMa In sheer Houtli Carullnaa vvvalth ot all klndi ll I Mtlmale l al IIWKW1M Thar ar4 over tlN000MO wurth of hull now worn by one iwopli Oregon wllh all Itt reiourcei u ei Ilinaled to be worth IUUtOII TIM stole of Mulilnnn ugr planta done nnd all Ii I worth IIMW in This ilnle of Colorado Will < lat l-at the last moue nt I7UT1M1 Waihlngton Includlnx real 1 end per oiml properly Ii I vulue1 nt IMlto8M The moat marked Inoraa In value In thli country hap been In the land Thor arc lletl lo tie over 440M 000 wa tehee In ue a mOil I our iwopl In 1WO over 14100000 worth ot property wan legally xmpt from taxation tax-ation Th great stets at CallfornUt Will val tied by the anenori et 1IN at IMI 878W mUillh IneludlrK ll lmproinenti mad by th Mormon Ii I worth III 77ft 179 Th Dukolai over rated In Ih elv enlh cemiu ni havlnit wMllh 01 IM MlMO The bite HtnrRtati of Texn han In Iti inorimiui territory a wealth of 135 > I IM5 Th state nt Alabama Including rnt 1 tui n > Idi and Iron mines Ii I worth Ilaf 967x |