Show SUNSET AT pnossun In the llmnlKiil Month of Jliiy Hie 110 Mirnt illlor hrr II a l In llrl Irom limo Procter American Overlooking Over-looking Iho fnlln the little town of 1rowMT lies beneath the ahadovv of the hllli nrotind I In the month of May Iho brown fletdi iliow that tho farmer hai done his work well Studded hero and there like oases In the deiert are patchea of green upon which Ihe ee Inatlnctltely reila then the ray of lilon extend on and on lowe the WMtorn horlxon where like two grim Mntlncli stand Ilalnlcr and Adami their luntmlta towering far up Into Ihc heavcni almoat touching the cloud Surely Clod will rebuke such preaump lon Hut no there are only creature of Hli hind Ai they stand unchangeable I unchange-able grand Inspiring they item to i ay Oh IAn In thy conceit think theo on lima power of the Almighty Wo nrn Ills clll ellwllh one wave of Hli hand we dliappear from Iho lace of the earth Think ye nnd tremble at ills power And no I to omphailze the reflection the ponk pro lighted wIth nn unearthly glow A flash like that of ten houiaml cannon a blinding blind-ing glare the red mist breaks above them and n rmllnnro descends and nettle net-tle upon the ee Matting mow The Ionle of these monarchs of the range Hand out In bolt illhouetto back of them Old Sol In nil hli glory Lowdown Low-down In the horlaon the orb descends I lowly yet more alovvly until with ono last expiring blaze the ball of fire ulnlti to rat beneath Inn wale of the 1acinc And ni the twilight stem oer the steno there la heard nothing but Iho reioundlng ronr of the water ThIs Th-Is rennet nt 1roucr In Iho beautiful month of May |