Show let Us cook your breake breakfast astl serve rost en with cream or milk and notice the pleasure the family finds in the appetizing crispness and flavour of this delightful food the memory lingers fortuin cereal co ltd battle ck lad 7 aft 41 M M if you had positive proof that a certain fremed remedy for wouly fernal female e ills had made many remarkable cures would you not feel like trying it if during the last thirty years we have not succeeded irl ia convincing Y every fair minded woman that lydia E pink hams vegetable compound has cured thousands and thousands of women of the ills peculiar to their sex then we long for an opportunity to do so by direct correspondence meanwhile read the following letters which we guarantee to be genuine and truthful hudson ohio ir suffered buffered for ft a long time from a weakness inflammation dreadful pains each caell olith and suppression X lind been doctoring und and receiving only temporary relief abers a friend advised mo ine to tako lydia ladli 13 vegetable corn com pound ou d I 1 ild did 8 BO ima and wrote 0 to o you fa for rad vilce I 1 1 have faithfully followed olo 17 d yu your r d directions air 0 atlo 7 8 I 1 and now ale after t r t taking 0 only I alvo bottlo of f tj vegetable Coin compound pound I 1 ivery havu reas reason mi to believe I 1 am ft well ell woman an 1 I g give 1 y you u full permission to uso my testimonial mra lena hudson elilu it IM I 1 F D 1 no 7 st alf als falls N Y two years IRO ago I 1 was illi I 1 so bus bad 1 that mat I 1 had to take to my wd bed eve every month lith s and it would last laist from two to three weeks I 1 arote to you yet for ad vice and took clydla 13 pink baans lif tins vegetable compound oni pound in dry forni form I 1 am happy flap y to cay that I 1 am cured thanks to your ill ine medicine licino and good adv fee wn yon may uso ilse my mr letter for tho lie good food of others mrs airs J IT 14 IT i Bro yoro st itella falls N Y I 1 there is absolutely no doubt about the I 1 abilia ability of this grand old remedy made from the roots and herbs of our fields to cure cum female diseases we possess volumes of proof of this fact enough to convince the most skeptical r for or 30 years lydia E ams vegetable 0 C compound und bits baa been the standard remedy for nm female omo ills ilia no sick woman does docs justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine made exclusively from roots and herbs and has thousands ox of cures to its credit baff mrs invites all sick women WIP aroa As to write her for advice she lias haa I 1 guided elded thousands to health free of clort irge address mrs Pink pinkham liam lynn mans blass dont persecute your bowels I 1 oil t out A 11 ra uj 4 in oft lx alx 1 fy CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS erow tAl AA y d le b RTE ah d ittle IVER I 1 IR small pill snuff dose do small price genuine mm hes Sign signature aturo a a LIVE STOCK ANO AND miscellaneous electron Electro Elec electrotypes trot types 7 11 es IN GREAT VARIETY poka FOR SALE BALK cat AT TUB LOWEST PRICES BY WESTERN UNION W adams adami st chicago D DEFIANCE EFIAN 0 E gold cold water Waier starch make laundry work a blessum plea nurs ill 10 OL 0 ekx ake ida W N U salt lake laka city no 39 1910 despair and despondency deslonde no no one but a women woman can tell t ho he story as of the suffering tuf ferin the aba despair end and the lie despond cacy e endured 11 dured stort by y women who carry a daily burden atif ill health and d pain lain because of disorders and derange derangements ments ot of the delicate a and d important organs that oro ro distinctly feminine the tortures tor turca so 0 o bravely endured completely upset the nerves nerve if loni long continued dr pierces pierce favorite prescription is i a positive cun cum for foe weakness and disease of the feminine cm inina organism oranoca oran rca IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG WOMEN WELL it allays allay inflammation heels head ulceration ulc crati on and nd soothes feln an it tones and nd builds up the nerves it fit fits for wifehood and motherhood I 1 lonest cne dealers dealer sell cell it and nothing to urge uro upon you as a jut just as ai good it is non secret nonalcoholic non alcoholic and nd has hai a record of forty years year or of cures cure alt lax youa Na taBoRs they probably know of some of its iti many cures cure if you went want a book that tells tell all about womans comans diseases dise aae and how to curo cure them thein at home send lend 21 one cent cant stumps to 0 o dr pierce to pay cost of mailing ailin ni lin cry and hs he will send lend you a frn fret copy of hi lie great reat thousand paja paia illustrated common sense seme medical alviter revised up to date edition in paper covers cover la in lie handsome ciolli bandini gindin 31 stam tempi pe address addre dr RV pierce buffalo NY ICA AXLE GREASE keeps the spindle bright and m free from grit rit try a box sold by dealers everywhere continental oil co 0 for P k I 1 K le apo DIST blau A I 1 jurac MPR shipping catarrhal fever fever r Flume irea tive no sta Mg t 1044 1 1 aj W 1 11 14 knib aft heli 9 iMly ay vun in coir d 11 1 p ahw 1 1 k aim 1 I 17 nil mo aa II 11 i holtsoi H ail iian oil 1 it j wa dr b oll y rm Huo klot rsm F i it MEDICAL CO acm ia ertIA ad lets goshen IND U S A |