Show QUARREL ENDS FATALLY george was killed at the devils slide with a killiad cue tuesday by arthur aldrich un ott mon monday day iest it 19 1910 jeu geo simpson and arthur aldrich aldi irli were playing pool in tile the saloon or club mom lit at the slide and ti dispute 0 lose over it ii shot that thai had been hindi both fleit quarreled and struck aldrich with his is list fist saying lying 1 I will pay lily for tile the gallie gaine of pool aldrich was vats hi locked down anti and appeared to be stunned for it moni moment ent then inroe giroo and walked over to the ba liar herc where simpson was standing and struck inin him over oer the head with a billiard ene cue breaking caLing hi it ill in two simpson tell fell to the hour floor and I 1 later was belied to liis his teet feet ile he went to the doctors residence at it onee once and lind had hn bolind vo lind dressed lie then returned letu ined to the club room and a diw f inter intel was taken home by tile sheriff the blow bilow which pio proved d fatal was struck at it 5 belock p 1 lit in and it at 8 p in Sit began to got get worse and at 3 a lit in tuesday morning expired aldi ald rich was taken to morgan by the sheriff anti and locked up it appears appeals that both men had been drinkin di inking aldrich ila has an invalid wife and i two children simpson was also married inai ried had a 1 wife and five children |