Show gomy COUNTRY ALL RIGHT A strikingly STRONG ARTICLE BY COL HARVEY THE WRITER SEES NO CLOUD A plea tor for the conservation 1 0 I common sense that is I 1 meeting with cordial approval A strikingly strong article by colo nel george harvey in the north american review for september it Is written aritte n in a view of such hopeb hopeful ul ness for the amerl american C an future that it has attracted wido wide attention the tb article la is entitled A plea tor for the conservation of common sense and it Is meeting with the cordial approval of business men of all shades 1 political opinion throughout the entire country in part colonel harvey says unquestionably a spirit of unrest dominates the land hut but it it bo be true that fundamentally the condition of the country Is sound bound must we necessarily succumb to despondency abandon effort looking to retrieval and cringe like cravens before clouds that only threaten rather ought we not to analyze conditions search for causes find the root of the distress which even now exists only in mens minds anil and then after the american fashion apply such remedies as seems most likely to produce beneficent results capital and labor not antagonistic the link that connects labor with capital Is not broken but we may not deny that it Is less cohesive than it should be or than conditions conill tlona warrant financially the country la Is stronger than ever before in its history recovery from a panic so 80 severe an that of three years ago was wag never before so prompt bad and comparatively complete the masses are practically free from debt money Is held by the banks in abundance and rates fire are low why then does capital pause upon the threshold of investment the answer we believe to be plain it awaits adjustment of the relations of government to business the sole sola problem consists of determining how government can maintain an even balance between aggregations of interests on the one hand and the whole people on tho the other protecting the latter against extortion and saving the former from mad assaults the solution Is not easy to find tor for the simple reason that the situation Is without precedent hut but Is not progress belne being made along sane and cautious lines 0 conserve Coni Cone erve common sense Is not the present as we have seen exceptionally secure secure what then of preparations for the future patriotism la is the basis of our institutions tut ions lons and patriotism in the minds of our youth la Is no longer linked solely with fireworks and deeds of daring it la is taught in our schools A now new course has been added a course in loyalty methodically our children learn how to vote how to conduct primaries conventions and elections how to discriminate between fick lions of candidates and finally how to govern as aa well as serve they are taught to despise bribery and all forms of corruption and fraud as treason their creed which they are mado anade to know by heart Is not corn com plex plea it Is simple but comprehensive no less beautiful in diction than lofty in aspiration these are the pledges which are graven upon their memories As it Is cowardly tor for a soldier to run away from battle so it Is coward ly for any citizen not to contribute his share to the well being ot of his country america Is my own deat dear land she nourishes me and I 1 will love her and do imy my duty to her whose child servant and civil ahll soldier I 1 am As the health and happiness ol of my body depend upon each muscle and nerve and drop of blood doing its work in its place so the health and happiness of 0 my country depend u upon pon each citizen doing hla his work in his place these young citizens are out our hostages to fortune can we not safely assume that the principles ant mating their lives augur well for the permanency of the republic when la before have the foundation stones of continuance been laid with such care and promise of durability the edthe future then Is bright and the present dut but one thing Is need ful no present movement Is mort inore laudable than that which looks tc conservation of natural resources but let us never forget that the great est inherent resource of the american people Is common sense let that be conserved and applied with out cessation and soon it will be found houna that all tho the ills of which we m complain but know not 0 of t are only such as attend upon the growing painson pain a great and blessed country |