Show A joint resolution oa i proposing prop osiris an Aine amendment adment to section 7 of article XIII of the constitution of utah relating latius re to the rate of taxation be it enacted ly by the legislature of tile the state of utah two thil thirds ds of all the in members embers cleet elected oid to each of tile the two to han sits therein section 1 that it is is proposed to t 0 1 intend amend section 7 of article argielo X XIII or of tile constitution of t ahr state of kutait so that the mill same 0 will rend read as follows 7 the rate of taxation on property for state purposes shall never exceed eight mills on oil ouch each dollar a V of valuation to be apportioned its as follows not to exceed i fill our I 1 r and one liala mills oli ai each dollar of valuation for general st alato a t 0 purposes not to t exceed tj thieo mills ott on each dollar of if valuation for district school purposes ws not to to exceed one half mill on oil each dollar of valuation for high school purposes that part 0 of f tile state tax apperti apportioned to high school purposes shall con constitute it a fill fund I 1 to to be called tile high school fillad fund will and hhall bo be apportioned apportion ett to 1 tile cities and lit school districts maintaining high schools in the ina manner tiner tin tho legislature may ina y paw I 1 TO I 1 vide anti and cheno whenever the saable tax ulc I 1 property within tile state amount to four in ill io 11 dollars the rate klinl afoot elece exceed 1 I live five mills on nn each dollar of val valuation itil noless a ly Position to in crease creft Sti such ell r raap at specifying tho rate ill tc pr Z d the time dur 1141 wid I 1 ill aalf S ame shall bo be levied i b be e f fast st bitted to a vote 0 of f such 0 ol 01 th qualified tell electors of the e as in the alie year next preceding suh su tu li h election ahall have paid a al i fill property property tax as assessed sessel to them athin the the majority jot of those voting thereon shall vote ote in finer favor thereof i ii i such manner as rally may bo be provided 1 by law see sec 2 the secretary of state is directed direct eI to submit nit this apropo proposed i amendment to chii tit electors of the state at the next general election in the manner provided by law I 1 see sec 3 if adopted by tile electors of the state this amendment shall t a I 1 ae 11 state of utah 0 onico of secretary of state sa 1 I charles S secretary of state of the state of utah do hereby certify that tile foregoing is a full true and c correct ori act copy of a resolution proposing an amendment to section 7 of article XIII of the constitution of the state of utah relating to the rate of taxation passed at the eighth Ile regular gular session of the legislature of this state lit in testimony whereof I 1 have hereunto fie renato set my lily liand hand and affixed the great seal of the state of utah at salt lake city this ol 01 day ily of august A D 1910 seal scan 0 S TINGBY secretary of state |