Show LAYTON leonard sindall sandall arrived lionia ionic last thursday from sugar city where heie lie he had spent tile tho sunu suni iiii nier ile HL visited relatives and friends ill in jill cit city on oil his W VA y don 1 mrs wallace cowley arrived here froin canada last hist week acl r F R richardson front from ili his s trip to thayne I hine wyo wo last week C A number of young people from liere here are attend attending hig school in in lo 10 9 ann alks aliss latitia Liti flint is is in in logan 11 a u A son was ns born to mi did mrs is bert the latter part ot of lust last week tl our oar drops stop tile tho toothache toot hacho price layton di us ug company andrew cook who lio lias has beell suffering with typhoid fever feel the past three or four eaks weeks evits ais not quote so well ell the first of the week ack the work of install installing hig motor tit at the will is now about completed comple coin tel 1 and ready for to he be connected up ill our our school started monday E G king is is principal L S heywood sons co are aire moving their buildings shed chedi I 1 lumber ami alid everything they have bave back on to their ground which faces depot street they are arc also al so building sonic large sheds they have one bcd shod feet another and one feet fred major lias accepted tin the principals bip at glendale kin kaw county miss iss josie Seat seaman tian who taught here last year is also teaching there this winter vint cr mrs joseph harrod A i dutch supper monday evening eiling ev tile tho 12 year old son of ted hull soil oil is ill and it is feared lie is S developing a case of typhoid fic tomatoes have bave been beell ripening R sr fit fast that the cannery lias ila bardl v been able to handle them as fast fai ns as the farmers nerg in they lave ripened unusually fast this year car good vinegar jugs I 1 for sahit sala ut t tho lay layton ton drug company tit at ac oc and |