Show 7 aha 1011 II f n 7 if you find a jew here awill agree to eat him SYNOPSIS frederick hardy a fashionable boston boiton society mara man lot lost his ahls wealth was ill jilted ed by a girl and n d sent e f by b y a friend to take ta ke charge 0 of an american trading compana company tore store in russia on hla his journey throng through I 1 japan he met stapleton nevil jeulle supposedly u p an englishman they acred agreed to to go CO together to russia Ilus sla because ot of suspicious 9 pi cious circumstances they were several umes times molested by the japanese hardy was arrested and found upon ilia his person were papers showing maps 0 of jap torta forts hardy was proven guiltless guilt less on a train he met alseme sano bano daughter of 0 a jap merchant in nevilles shoes jap found picture ot of forts proving him to to be a RuBB laii spy hardy departed tor for itus la a on a steamer aten mer which was waa wrecked shortly afterward ile he was rescued by steamer on reaching vladivostok v lie he was vas well wel t treated lie he started started for to rS siberia iberia meeting princess on the train hardy boarded a vessel for am amur hardy showed the princess his ap expertness ue rim as s a rifle shot the steamer nas we as stranded it sti ra r d ed the princess and her in maid sit were at attacked t ached by chinese Clil nese hardy flardy saved aved their lives the princess thanked hardy for or hla his heroism Manchur lans alred or d upon the craft hardy slew their chief burning arrows were hurled upon th 4 Push kins decks an attempt was made to board the vessel the attacking eld chinese ap s were repulsed romanoff sneered at t hardys solicitude for the th e princess stanka sta ka a 11 messenger sent tor fr help wa wan to a cross on the shore bhore to put nn an md to the th awful torture hardy himself put stanka out of his misery taking his own life in III hl I 1 fart urea fire menaced the vessel hardy volunteered to to 0 for he help 1 rt refused defused fused permission lie he ru jumped in pd 4 overboard ve r 08 rd and st started to gelm with kith the princess distress mege me ge its ito manoff wan wait angryan ang angry at hardy tor for his brave efforts if ort a to rescue the princess I 1 ho wooed he her r in his own savage way he e said hardy hit lind made love openly to a japanese girl help came and the princess prince wim was rescued reamed hardy journeyed Journ journeyed ered on a raft arriving lit fit his ds destination on lie ha took charge of the trading companas comp anys business hardy received re elved a letter from a social lender leader in boston and another from atsumi hardy took look 10 1 lessons o in rut of a jew thus conne connecting etIng himself hibst if in a way with that rit blardy received a letter from the princess prine sn thanking him tor for his brav bravery cry lit hardys ardys teacher was vaa in danger of death CHAPTER continued A corpulent man with white side whiskers sat in it lie he wore an american fall overcoat of 0 the latest cut and a derby hat the matter here friends he asked standing up in tile the carriage tie ile spoke perfect fluent russian nus blan there was no fear in his face ills his voice or his attitude A sudden hush huah fell on the throng it you please mr air emery said the tall russian Ilus who had acted as rill rans leader we want the jew who Is being sheltered in the store another christian child has been sacrificed and wo we are punishing the tha jews we want mordecal and it if this man in the window Is it a jew we want him too 11 he a jew laughed emery ile he Is IE as good a christian as any man you do you think that I 1 would have sent a jew here to take laky charge ot of my store do you ou not know roe me better betler than that we thought so because lie he assacl abed with a jew constantly in prefer race to christians said the ringleader how la Is that mr air hardy asked emory what explanation have you to make to these good people i 1 I hired tile the jew to teach roe me rus ilus I 1 l tir 04 hardy HF he wat was the only man in town who spoke english sufficiently well ali ah do you see do you see cried old emery unctuously waving a conciliatory arm in the iho air ile he ma made de use of the jew that he might learn the beautiful language of holy russia and thus become able to converse with you his bis friends and neighbors my friends and neighbors I 1 see it a all ill here mr air emery opened both palms and extended them over the crowd ile he no doubt kept the jew constantly with him that he be might learn the language as soon as possible and thus get rid of him at the earliest moment compatible with his laudable purpose you see what astounding toun ding progress he be has made I 1 could hardly believe my ears when ichen I 1 heard my friend speaking russian so 80 well mr air hardy if Is th there ere a J jew ew concealed in the store byet replied hardy ile he says no and that convinces me nevertheless you shall come in and see for yourselves and it if you fand a jew here I 1 will agree to eat him w without pepper or salt mr air hardy come down and open the he door hardy complied with the request and emery jumping briskly from the carriage entered calling out cheerfully vladamar Vlad lmar anatall An atoll sergel come in and look about and then you shall take out a barrel of vodka and all the friends shall drink to my safe return to holy russia the three men entered shamefacedly protesting that they would take T mr 16 emerys Kni erys word as aa to the jew but he slapped them one by one heartily on the back shouting come in brothers come in twenty minutes later they went out with a barrel of vodka announcing christians there Is no jew here let us drink to the health of fred erick emery the mob dispersed well exclaimed old emery as he slammed down the iron shutter what in ill the devil does all this mean it means explained hardy that there has been a massacre of jews and that Ifor mordecal Morde decal eal whom I 1 employed to teach me russian fled here for shelter wang here my korean errand boy and I 1 disguised him as aa a priest and sent him about his bustness business good exclaimed emery good blamed clever lie he sprang to his feet and paced the store lie HP was an excitable man but I 1 got here just in time I 1 came up tip on oil the iagoda those bloodthirsty blood thirsty devils might have set fire to the store and perhaps have killed you I 1 think ill stay here for a inon month th or so and help you out my boy I 1 have great news good news glorious news nead herf here he jumped upon the counter and sitting there looked triumphantly at hardy pulling fiercely at his side whiskers ahot IR it asked hardy war m my boy war between russia and japan and do you on cali call that good news yes yea for merchants for commerce commer cu I 1 tear fear you haven t acquired the commercial spirit yet my boy big 1119 con tracts tremendous sales high prices an unparalleled demand for or everything on earth business business business till you cant rest what war means I 1 well have tremendous shipments of goods good sent over to vladivostok and every steamer that c comes mes up the river bringing them to our stores be a big war a great big war for or little japan Is going to give russia the fight of her eifel do you think so asked hardy wonderingly do you think japan will bo be able to stand up against RUB HUB sta sla stand up against herl shouted E emery mery i why shell shall make her tremble to the very foundations my friends out there will have so something thing beside jew baiting to attend to when that war breaks out ive been in id japan looking the ground over andl and I 1 know what I 1 im m talking about did you ever see a mother cat pounce on a big clumsy dog well japan Is a whole nation of wildcats wildcats and russia Is the clumsiest kind of a clumsy dog by the way ay sald said hardy 1 I won der what became of Morde cals moth cra er I 1 forgot all about her in tho the ex cit ement the christians killed her slid said wang who was standing in the shidow shadow hello exclaimed emery that b boy y of yours speaks russian and blamed well too CHAPTER hardy hesitates emery stayed on in lengthening his visit into months and hardy became greatly attached to him finding the companionship of this cheerful bold resourceful self made man an inspiration which the fellowship of his former society friends had never afforded him the old id merchant received frequent ad vices from hla his agent in japan which confirmed him in tile the belief that war was imminent and at the head of river navigation in siberia seemed to him the most important of the comp company anys s posts in russia vasill who was suspected of hav ing been active in exciting hatred against hardy whom he regarded as having supplanted him was transferred to id and during all this time the korean boy whose intelligence and adaptability were truly marvelous steadily grew in favor with his employers ills progress in russian was phenomenal and as it transpired that he be also knew japanese and some chinese lie he was after a couple of months promoted from errand boy to the office and set to writing letters in the meanwhile hardy received another letter from the princess ro man ovna a chatty delightful letter in russian this time complimenting him on his bis progress in the language and tolling telling him much of her own life and of affairs in Alo scow among other things she mentioned the fact act that she had spoken of ills his heroism on the amur to the emperor and of the debt of gratitude that she owed him she assil assured red him that she would be glad to hear from him from time to time and signed her your friend elizabeths Roman ovna tn in january emery announced to hardy one day that he be wished the young man mail to take a trip to moscow and perhaps to st petersburg on business hy by the way said hardy stain mering slightly and feeling a trifle confused there Is a all ah matter of w icci J wish to speak to you you know this country so much better than 1 I and its customs I 1 have re calved an invitation from the princess Roman Romal ovna loyna to call on her while in moscow it was a little difficult to speak to emery on this subject he was so practical and his gray eyes cyas were so shrewd and at times twinkled so humorously yet he was thoroughly kindhearted kind hearted lie arted ile he loved hardy both for his own and for his fathers sake bake and he took a paternal pat einal interest in the young man Is she the one whom you saved from the chinese brigands brigande bri gands she Is the all ah the one whom I 1 came up the amur with replied hardy modestly well ell go and call on her decided emery without a moments thought yes but I 1 feel some seme little besita tion she Is a princess and I 1 am now a merchant and we are in russia I 1 dont don t want her to feel under the least obligation to me for what I 1 time have done that Is to say I 1 do not want her to feel that I 1 am taking advantage of it she meins means all right hut but taking me up might cause tier her some little lence fence or embarrassment her relatives are proud and haughty and I 1 dont don t belong to her social set social set bet be blanked roared emery haven t you got that ties bos ton tommy rot out of your head yet youre an american gentleman and an american gentleman la Is good company for any princess that alks tile the surface of the globe besides it if you tay stay with me and this war aar goes right ill make a merchant prince out of 1 you my boy and those are the only princes these days one week later in tho the middle ot of january frederick Cour courtland hardy el ossed lake backal to and there took tho the magnificent train a nine days day railway journey to moscow though he be was going on important business yet ho he felt strangely ever the fact that he was soon to see the princess again with the agitation too was wa minified mingled a certain degree of 0 misgiving misfiring and fore ore boding ile he was not sure lure that his seeing her would conduce to his hl peace of mind ile he was accompanied by hla his secretary wang wane the korean boy who had rendered himself indispensable through hla his genius for details dot alls CHAPTER off to moscow tardy hardy never forgot that journey to moscow r for or days the hea heavy vy train rolled slowly along through a vast park covered with illimitable stretches of snow or through leafless naked forests shivering in tho the mid cold blasts of winter all tile the trains that passed were crowded with emigrants bound for the amur region anti and tho the car window dows a were ft ere thronged thron ged with the fresh innocent laces faces of children to many of the lie trains prison cars were attached bearing their sorrowful freight to the dread island of alln which lias has taken the place of siberia ns as a land for deportation from the windows of these cars also many children looked out pressing their little faces against the bars for tile the condemned aro are allowed to tako take their families with them bliem hardy had long since realized that lie was in russia Ilus sla the russia of the storybooks story books and the magazine articles one evening a little before sunset they came in sight of moscow an indistinct blur of houses bouses out of which loomed large and clear the towers and domes of numerous churches many af of them overlaid with goldleaf gold leaf and glittering gorgeously in the light of the setting bun ban at eight the train drew up in the modern and commodious station at moscow and the american as he looked about him felt that he ha was in tho the heart of european civilization once more wang who was waa invaluable through its his ready wit and his knowledge of russian attended to the baggage and engaged a sledge to take his employer to the Slav lansky bazar or hotel the best caravansary in the city and a very sumptuous and comfortable inn as it proved for several days he devoted hla his entire attention to business conferring with merchants and going over lists prices and accounts with wang meanwhile whenever he went into the st att feets beets the tha interminable procession of was there and lie he watched them constantly always with one face in hla his mind that graceful head bead held so high with its crown of hair the color of ripe wheat and fine as spider threads many ladles indies occure ot pure type IL saw their faces peeping saucily from collars and hoods hooda of costly fur and often lie would start and his heart would throb more violently us as he thought lie he recognized the pran cess lie he would generally realize ills his mistake however before the sledge would dash by with its jingling b balls its lie he would have gono gone away without calling on her had lie he finished ills him business as as the original dal plan contemplated but old kniery Kii iery who had come up aa far as li kulak kept writing to hill sending now new commiss commissions lons emery by tho the way was becoming jubilant the diplomatic relations relation tJ between russia and japan were growing less lesa cordial every dy day the demands or of the latter coli country were waxing more and more I 1 insistent nal stent and to evade the japanese Jap anene too according to emerys Ki nerys advises advices ad vices were rustling rushing preparations for fora a death grapple with the bear on a gigantic scala this means war my boy wrote the old man and war means business 01 so hardy worked away enlarging his acquaintance with the moscow merchants while his respect for the magnitude of their operations and for the tha greatness of the cites industries steadily grew and one evening as lie he walked home to hla his hotel he saw the princess roman ovna there was no mistake about it this time and he realized that when it was indeed she there could be no mistake she was leaning back in a sledge with high curving dash luxuriously piled with skins on an elevated sent seat in front sat |