Show why he sought pardon roquelaure tha delo rived jeely or louls XIV contrived con tiled to get et mil of nl ninny a scrape by hit ready wit onn caw day he went to the king hing to ask ills his ani baidon ilon lor for having struck off the tie liel met inet ot of one of 0 ahls sentinels mho hil had failed tu to alv hin alii tin the lit 11 ionti e who cmok ills ninn kiili oi ili ril r il tint that ure crave lila ills par air ion for 0 io o venial an oil felic and iid auld to him alib tg hs a burlow mit mat lei 11 but I 1 will you ou I 1 this his ti time it aate awards out til allt t the abne c fo aurs lurs head was is lit in the he ilet and a nd fe lel with wit I 1 it to tin tilt ground |