Show in the canning season look up the choice recipes that you ou were if ere anxious to try make a list ot of them then in the stress of 0 the summer work important things will not be forgotten this athla Is the month for or putting up peaches one famous cook who was an artist to in canning peaches always prepared thorn them the night before and let them stand covered with sugar until morning they had a richness no other method gave can as usual here Is a recipe which many may like to try while the cucumbers are in their prime orime cucumber catsup choose fresh green cucumbers at 0 the size and quality used for slicing reject those that are at all bitter peel and grate them put into a bag and drain them or a sieve may be ba used to every quart of pulp pull add halt half a cupful of grated hores radIsh and halt a cupful of grated onions two tablespoonfuls of sugar one tablespoonful tablespoon tul of white pepper and two tablespoonfuls of salt add a quart oi of cold elder cider vinegar and sea seal in air tight jars I 1 plum catsup doll the plums with as little mgt voter er BS s possible until soft rub through a rolander colander aud to every live five pounds of pulp pull add two and a R halt pounds of sugar gugar it cupful of elder vinegar an and d a level tablespoonful lable spoonful each of cinnamon and cloves cook halt balf an hour stir clr ring steadily and seal real boiling lint hot this Is especially fine with beef veal ar r ham to pickle plums gather green plums before they be gin to turn make a pickle of mustard seed beed and salt rait with vinegar enough to cover the fruit boll and pour over the plums three mornings in win they may be in ili place of olives grape catsup Is IB prepared the same as plum catsup and Is a choice relish to serve with ham venison or any came |