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Show KAYSVILLE KINK. (i il Paul R. Th )mi' tn cduM i, be moved from the L. D S to the Judge Mercy hospital. !at week, with the rest of the 0. S. L. Railway patients, on account of suffering with an attack of At last .accounts he pleurisy. was some better and it was thought he would be moved this week. Lawrence Coles was up from the L. D. S. hospital, Sunday, to spend the day with his folks. Grandma Colemere is very ill again. She has been unconscious since Wednesday. The Bell Telephone Company have started improving their exchange on their Campaign of improvement in this county. All lines that have many parties on are being cut over into four par ty lines. Try Nyals celery nervine; an excellent tonic for women. One dollar a bottle at the Layton Drug Co. George Swan, Jr , went to the Kaysville hospital again Tuesday. The doctors grafted skin from his leg on his back between his shoulders where he was so badly burned. At last accounts he was doing tine. Mrs. R. W. Barnes returned Tuesday from Logan where she had accompanied her daughter. Ilene, who is attending the agriMrs. Barnes cultural college. left yesterday for Kamas. Y. M. M. I. A. was reorganiz ed this week. George T. Bees ley was made president with Charles T. Burton and Bruce Major counselors; Arnold Barnes and A. P. Gailey class leader. The Young Ladies Mutual was also reorganized this week with Miss Martha E. Barnes, Pres. ; Miss Rose Cheney and Mrs. 0. A. Williams, counselors, and Miss Ida Smith Secretary. Miss Beatrice Barnes and Miss Rose Cheney will open a dressmaking parlor in the Kaysville store the first of the month. Mrs. John Bonnemort, who fell and broke her arm, is doing fine. Her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Bonnemort of Salt Lake City, is spending a few days with her, Sec-Tre- co-o- l: V , I'li'-!-- ' Blanch, 1 . M tuwo, 1 . a thi . ,1 . Barnes ami daughter, returned from Downcv, Idaho, where they attended tbe funeral of Mr. Barnes brother Johns daughter, Coras funeral, which was held at that place on Monday. She died of typhoid fever the previous Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Kilfoyle announce the marriage of their daughter, Olive, to Earl Roberts of Layton Mrs. Henry II. Blood and children have returned from their visit in Provo Mrs. Martha E Robbins left for Corinne on business, Sunday. School started here Monday. E M. Whitesides of Layton is principal. R. J. Williams of Miss Ethel Ashdown of Cedar City, Miss Libba Jolly of Ephraim, Miss N ra Ingram of this place and Miss Auna Rasmussen of Salt Lake, teachers. A ten pound son was born to Chester Liudsay and wife Monday. Mrs. Lindsay is at tbe home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Nun rod Barnes. Mrs George B. Sheffield has returned from her trip tocinada. The cannery ran out of tomatoes Tuesday afternoon, so it did not run. Joiee for the second floor is being laid on tbe corner portion of the Kaysville Co op store block. diaries Odd returned home from the hospital the latter part of last week. L First Sunday in October, in West Bountiful Meeting house. Pupils of Prof. Mann, assisted by the East Bountiful choir. Public invited. Children, .must keep order or 'not how-eve- r, come. Pupils from all parts of Davis county will take part. Violin, mandolin, piano and voice. C Contest. The Sunday Schools of Davis county are going to have a very interesting contest the coming winter, Mr. Mann is in charge. Committees are appointed and it promises to be a very interesting this week. part of the winters work. $150 in prizes will be given Miss Janet swan started to Contest will cover all school at the Agricultural Co- away. branches of Sunday school mu llege in Logan Monday. sic, choirs, juvenile chorus, solos Miss Tenna Blood and Miss of all descriptions, piano, violin, Nora Blamires left for school at voice. branches will be published the B. Y. College in Logan, Mon- in All next issue. day. Miss- Blanche Cole of this To Conference Visitors place and Owen Douglass of Salt Dr. C. M. Peterson, optomeLake were married Tuesday. trist, now associated with O. L. The young couple will make Dutcher and O. H. Wheeler, wish to announce that1 they are pretheir home in the city. pared to do the most scientific Thomasson optical work at their Miss Margaret parlors 66 in East 4th Lake Salt South, City. spent Sunday Sandy. fo see many of our old Hope G. W. Terrill went to Murray patients and solicit the paon business, Tuesday. tronage of those who wish expert Miss Alice Coles has returned optical service. Your next door as reference. Also reIrom a month's visit in Rigby, neighbor member one of the firm makes Idaho. the town in which you live t.ree Miss Mae Strong returned to times every twelve months. her home in Springville, Thurs- Associate Optical company, Dutcher, Peterson & Wheeler. day, after a brief visit here with 9 30. relatives. Mrs. Dr. Gleason, who is visit- Trial Calendar Sept. Term, 1910. 27, 1910, at 10 ing relatives in Scotland, will Tuesday, m.Sept. : a. o'clock, leave that country on her home John L, Fackrell. vs. Salt Lake ward journey, the first of the & Ogden Ry. co. (jury ) month. H. c. Potter, plaintiff, vs. Salt William Riley Taylor aud fam- Lake & Ogden Ry. co. (jury.) September 2k, 1910, ily, who spent six months here atWednesday, 10 o'clock a. m : visiting relatives, returned to In tne matter of the estate of their home at Loa, Wayuo coun- B. F. Kuowlton, Sr., deceased; They were for pe'ition for letters of administy, yesterday. tration. (contested.) merly residents of Kaysville. William H. Streeper, vs. Frank con for Try Nyal's yellow pills L. chase, defendent, (law) 25c a box at the Lay-tostipalion. September. 29,1910, Thursday. Drug Co. , at 10 oclock, a. in : Annie Wilcox vs Jonathan Miss Ida Smith returned on et al Defendant, (law). Hughes, an from extended vi.si; Sunday Dated September 19th, 1910. with relatives in Preston. Hyrum O Pack, clerk. J. B LimLay and wife left Valuable Scrap of Lace. Wednesday for Richfield on an owns the most valuable and ex Italy visit. extended pensive handkerchief in the world. It Mrs. Joseph Openshaw and is owned by the queen, and is au ex of the earliest Venetian lace, children left last week for Los ample dating toward the end of the fifteen! n Angeles, where they, expect to century, about the time the point lace art was introduced into the city oi spend the winter. Doges, in spite of the great age ot Mrs. Richard Jardinc and of lace, it Is in perfect preservais valued at over $20,000 lion and Mrs. Lulu daughter, Sparks ol d. v t' ! ( ul . . cl! j L u I a fellow Knows that hie miginated in rfie water, bui not so many are aware that-- ' employee whose duty it is to go round aud turn on the gas and inspect the we are still aquatiq animals. Every that have just cell except those ol the outside skin meter for is dependent upon a surrounding moved In or have had the gts hut o.f non payment of bills. He exliquid to keep it alive, and if it be- for came ury It would perish. A person plained that the man who is sent' to who realizes this fact will always take a house to snnt oil the ga3 because care to drink plenty of water, and will the till hasnt been paid rarely tells also eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, the housewife what he Is about to do. let him In. Instead he since these contain large quantities Of She wouldnt a pretense of trying to find a make in a purer form than water, and that is usually available. The pickaninny leak. Once in the cellar he snaps a shows his good sense when he feasts padlock on the valve and the trick U Then he leaves quickly. When and In- done. upon the Juicy watermelon, stead of ridicullug him we might bet- the turnon man comes around after a settlement has been made he is liketer go and do likewise. ly to get at least a good tongue lash ing, but he jerks his shoulders and to his ears, pretending to be I oints Knew She Was Flight. deaf An auction was announced of the "In either case, said the gis man library and housthod effects of a man "B. ie is no use in abusing him, and who had once Ted in a lavish we put each other wise that and ho way, ersons who went when isto why among the act dummy." to the sale were mariv who had enjoyed t)e ('alien familys hospitality. r When a set of cups was German Acuteness. said. put up one There are The tgg cups imported into India only five of those, not ix." The all came one President MeCrea of the Pennsylvania railroad, in bis study of all classes of men who aie under him, entertains a great admiration lor the Ilifh foreman of a g.'.ng of laboieis who went to any lengths to show his men that be was the real boss. One morning tris foreman found that his gang had put a hand car on the tiuek without his orders. on the "Who put that han car-r-- r tht.ack?" lie asked. We did. sor," one of tbe men answered respectfully. Well, lie said shortly, "take it off agin! The laborers did so w ith some difficulty. "Now," said the foreman, "put it on agin Popular Magazine ! Why ti i after-dinne- irom Great Brittime ain. The Indian eggs are. howev r. very small, and the .gg cups did no: A German traveler noticed ll.is fit. small item and got bis firm to mnl.e smaller egg cups and export inen, there. All the trade is now in hsnds. Get-ma- deiormed je.-Louis XIV., contrived to gu o.u ot many a scrape by hi.-- teauy wit On-d- ay he went to the king to ark his pardon lor having struck off the he! met of one of his sentinels, who had silute failed to piv him the Louis, who anew l.is man, womb red .hit lUKjueiaaro should crave ids param! don lor so venial an o.fcu.-e- , said to him: "This is a serii us mat ler, Koquolaure. but I will pardoa you this time." It afterwards turned out that the soldiers head was in the hel met. and fell with it to the ground. th:- - ,' v wo-na- at He Sought Pardon. Roquelaure, l aueiioneer crmilte, his catalogue and Thank you; you are right," replied: and proceeded with the sale. Then the woman whispered to the one next l knew ! was to her: right, because husband dropped on of that set ny tbe last time we dine I there. t The Bozs. look out! Its a d i r.iv.y ulephoned the gas man to c; j e - fo- - a- - Cent. quairel over a single penny led to r u order in Hoboken tbe other day. A man fro.:, Nebraska, who stopped at a hotel in Hoboken while awaiting the sailing cf the steamer 'oi Europe, put a penny in the slot of an automatic of the music box in the dining-roohotel, but the box refused to pour lori'u the expected ragtime tune. The Nebraskan became indignant and upbraided the German porter. Tile iat-ti- r explained to him that it requiru a nickel and not a penny to set the mtchanism of the music box in motion, but that explanation did not sat the man Irom Nebraska. Ue became abusive and when the porter threatened to put him out, be pulled a revolver from bis pocket and shot the porter dead. y Bride Was Deaf. At a tnarri.ig? servile ; erfom-i- ? some time ago in a lit'le country church in ILH shire, v.lun the ministun , ' Will th- u ter said in so man to he thy wedded hushave this Instead of the woman band?" for herself, a gruff mans voice unsv. Oi will. giin the minister boko,! up surprised. not knowing what to malm of it. when one of the gioomsmen at the end of the row said: Er be deaf. Oi he answerin for er. London Teleg-ap- h trd: 1 If youll ask the girl at the Butterlck Pattern Booth she will give you the Autumn Number of the Butterlck Fashion Book free. PatButterick terns are the leaders in fashion designing. pood time to PruderP shop. shoppers are making Friday the shopping day anything done in a rush is nut done well particularly shopping. A GOOD PAkp TO TRADE I Prices for those Who Shop Tomorrow and Saturday IWE OVER Free copies of tbe, Omaha contain over three ndvei Using pages of Ogden v. ttn pictures, are fre for the, at me Drug with worthy merchandise. The prices for those who shop tomorrow and Saturday should have your attention before starting on your shopping tg,ur. 95 PETTICOAT One Dollar a Yard for the dress materials which are being shown in many shopCat $1.50.... livery piece in the lot is seasons fabric....Absolutely new as to color, weave and shade....Later in the sedsojfwhen you Petticoat of the new silk rich A skirt made Diesden pattern. accoiding to the latest patterns, in keeping with the new dress skirts. Ot bright, firm, pure silk with a deep accordion pleated flounce. The drop nil: it is ol a shade to match the siik A tegular $7 50 value ofiered at $4.95 Cents Corset at the fact that they unpacked front llte eases yesterday makes Ibis reduction worthy of attention. This is an absolutely new model, hut is not of the extreme pattern.The skirt is medium loup. is soft and made to produce the hipless effect that the fall gowns demand the bust is medium low. Material is eoutile the best known material for eorset the filling is absolutely rust proof. fcVeond Floor 83 i Avert; - Early Suit Sale $ Fall Suits worth to $35 24 TThis sale T"'' ' attracting hv our Tomorrow Eighty-Fiv- e Basement Specials 75 of suits is many of ot value. iu toe wi are thi: ty live suits all sizes.. An aie or tue uewtsi snoit jaeset null, sn.rts tuaue uncording to tne newest uano all and irom one ot the must exclusive shops iu New Yt i k City. 'i ue maieiials are Diagonal Wor-tjiSerges, Cheviots, and materials ot manmsn ettset. ihe coiois are the ot Navy, Greeu, ; t pioved thaut-iveseda, Wiste'iia, Copenhagen. Black is also show n. deserves The workmanship special meul.ou. The lining, winch is of satin to match the garment, is laieiully litted and placed the cutting and the sewing has that substantia!. carefully-donuppearaiiee that is characteristic of strictly A saving of $5. no to $10 00 on a Fall Su.t at the very start of the season. $30 to $35 values. .$24.75 niaa-taiiore- d i, e Fine Cotton Sreet Blankets natural m gray or white with colored borders. 60c values Fine large plaid blankets, in a number of pretty coloiings. gjjrv ty&mUO Special A very large size heavy blanket, in tan, grey and white, with and blue gfog pink borders. Excep- - JkTJ W Vjr tlonai value The best $6.50 wool blanket ever ottered plaids, white or grey, with pink blue borders. Specially sale??. . . .T. . A!'!. f. the prudent shoppers wno are keen judges s , 25c. New Model Corset 85c Dollar wc offer Directly in front jof the silk counter these silks ate arranged on a C table where you ?nay see and hand- le them.i Thetfe are just made," aud ilireol to qs from the mills New Perjsians plaids, Dresdens, t Brocaded effects and W up Prints on Chlffotf Tgffeta and Valued at$l,25. we olfer the as-- , sorttnent 73c New Seco Si'ks are here male this time in the fill all ot t.re.ii are wash-auk- A expect sale prices we.rannot offer one of equal merit, $1 ,$'1.25 FALL H'J SILKS SALE O C, THE STORE. Bee which ent Dollar Dress Goods Sale ? SHORT BITS OF NEWS FROM and must always be known as A Good Place to Trade ...To maintain that reputation we realize that qualities must always be standard and prices as low as consist- NEW SILK $ ) Shop Talk will not sacrifice quality to se cure low price... this store is now - n Murdered A FREE FASHION BOOK. SHOP EARLY. The rush just before seven o'clock Saturday night is not a Recital. s. p in v, nK UV V $4.98 Ladies Black Cotton Hose m cw 20c ex- Black cot- tra quality, fast black sizes value 8 2 to 10. Indies and Children's I Af ton Hose. Regular 12k cent values. Three pairs Extra heavy galvanized iron wash tubs. Large size. Special Special lot of washable Cottage Portieres. Colorings worth from to $3.50 2 V Vf) wV as. $1.98 There is consideiclde excitement at the Chuhiig Stole following the g;i.o.incviiieni that uie new liart, Siia.lcer &. Marx suits aie to bt sold now at sale puces, it is one means ot introducing a superior brand of clothing. or Boys who go to school otneis may have suits at our c i mtiiing tuoie at j.ist These suits ale this pi ice. year's styles they have the light Knee pants. oue-h.il- The Second Floor is assuma business-likair. The carpenters and painters are through, the carpet is laid and. the handsome merchandise of fall already arriving. ing e From last winter we a number of babies' Silk, some with hand ery. all interlined, all have left bonnet i. embroidin good condition rather than carry them till another season, we r them this way. Values 50c to $3, for 25c to $1.50 of-le- Warners excellent corset styles, of which this store is the chief representative in Ogden, are here. The lady in chaige who is an expert In fitting and altering corsets, can tell you just what style you should u.-she can make it io fit you perfectly no extra charge is made for this I J I , e Your babies may sleep out of doors these cold nights it they wear Dr. Denton's Sleeping Garments. What if they do kick off the covers? This warm garment covers them complete ly. Prices start at 50 cents. Tomorrow and Saturday are to be the last days of the special demonstration of the Naiad Dress Shield. The lady in charge shows that this shield may actually be washed an ironed. Also it has no odor. Is light and clean and absolutely impervious to moisture. Special colors may- - be had to suit the color of the gown. 1 A I I I s J |