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Show IN THE ART GALLERY. BAUJNGER ITCtiEN klJINET I As Long as the President is Satisfied Ho Will Not Consult Wishes of PRESIDENT TO RECOMMEND AN APPROPRIATION FOR THAT PURPOSE IN MESSAGE. Will Advice Appropriation of Two lion Dollar to Begin Work of Cabinet Members. Mil- It; But we hae meat an' we can eat. And may the Lord be thankit. Fa- Beverly, Mass. Before leaving Bev-srl- y for Boston Sunday night, Presl-leTaft announced that in his mes-iagto congress in December, he will recommend the appropriation of to begin the work of fortifying the Panama canal. The president also will recommend to congress that provision be made for two new battleships of the dreadnought type. Mr. Taft does not believe that the economy plans should preclude the construction of at least two battleships a year until such time as the Panama canal is completed. He believes the canal will have the effect of doubling the efficiency of the navy and that after it is in operation the building of new battleships can be cut down to one a year. The president will reach Washington next Sunday. The cabinet will begin a series of daily meetings on the morning of Monday, the twenty-sixth- . Secretary Ballinger, it is said, will attend all the meetings and so far as Beverly is informed, the Ballingei case will not be taken up. Economy in administration in all departments will be one of the many subjects considered by the cabinet Estimates for the coming fiscal yeai also will be considered. The supremt court appointments will be considered with his cabinet advisers, although the president has announced that he will not make these appointments uu til congress meets. nt e Mr. Hayrick Mainly, this here cata logue says thet thet artist got $5,000 fer paintin thet little picture. Mrs. Hayrick My gosh, Hiram! I wonder what on earth he'd charge fer paintin' a barn? FOR THE SKIN AND SCALP Because of Its delicate, emollient, sanative, antiseptic properties derived from Cutlcura Ointment, united with the purest of cleansing ingredients and most refreshing of flower odors, Cutlcura Soap is unrivaled for preserving, purifying and beautifying the skin, Bcalp, hair and hands, and, assisted by Cutlcura Ointment, for dispelling itching irritation and inflammation and preventing clogging of the pores, the cause of many disfigAll who deuring facial eruptions. light in a clear skin, soft, white hands, a clean, wholesome scalp and live, glossy hair, will find that Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment realize Cutlcura Remeevery expectation. dies are sold throughout the world. Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Bole proprietors, Boston, Mass. Send to them for the latest Cutlcura Book, an authority on the best care of the skin, scalp, hair and hands. It is mailed tree on request Saucy Soldier Shut Her Up. at a Nashville banquet was talking about campaign comrades. Then there was Dash of Company Dash had the reputaA," he said. tion of being the nastiest tongued man In the regiment. "It was Private Dash, you know, who, out foraging one evening on a rich estate, came accidentally upon the owners wife, a grande dame in evening dress. Dash asked her for food. She refused him. He asked again. But, still refusing, she walked away. "No, she said, "Ill give you nothing, trespassing like this; I'll give you nothing. My mind is made up., Made up, is it? said Dash. Like the rest of you, eh? SAFETY LIES IN FLEET. Col. Robert C. Carter Rear Admiral Evans Wants Ships foi the Pacific Coast. Portland, Ore. At the first banquet of the newly organized Portland Press club, on Sunday, Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans, U. S. N., retired made the following plea for a fleet for the Pacific coast. ol I like this beautiful country and farms like I youi your yours; cities and all that, but whenever I look out over the Pacific ocean I see whal you want, and I want you men you newspaper men to see it from th4 right standpoint; you need sixteen battleships stationed on this coast with all the cruisers, torpedo boats ammunition boats and colliers that are necessary to go with them. Thai Foiled. is the only way that you people oi vas very bashful and she tried the Pacific coast can go to bed and to make it easy for him. They were rest easy, rest care-freof the greai Iriving along the seashore and she peril-s-rl wont say yellow peril, bul Whats became silent for a time. green peril or any other peril, so ai the matter?" he asked. to be Impartial. NoO, I feel blue, she replied. are and bands me loves my. body Over Niagara in Motor Boat. cold. Falls, N. Y. Captain Klaui Niagara You should not say that, was his his little motor boat, thl In Larsen word of consolation, for God loves late Sunday afternoon, mad Ferro, you, and your mother loves you, and a successful trip from the foot of the Success you can sit on your hands. the whtrpool rapidl cataract through Magazine. to within a mile of Lewiston, a di miles. D tance of four and one-haTrue Independence. the whirlpool of the battering spite who those find You will always think they know what is your duty rapids, Larsen went through safely, I better than you know it. It is easy in but his boat was leaking badly a the world to live after the worlds the finish and through the trip. opinion; it Is easy in solitude to live Shot by Rival. after our own; but the great man is Texas. of the County Judge H crowd, he who, in the midst Sequin, keeps, with perfect sweetness, the in- M. Wursbach of Guadaloupe county was shot, but not fatally wounded, bj dependence of solitude. Emerson. Adolph Seidemann, a rival candidate Could Wait. for the county judgeship on the inde Why didnt you stay to ascertain pendent ticket. low badly the man was injured? American Mules Wanted in Africa. the judge. I chauffeur. the Washington. Mules and donkeyl "Why, explained mew I could find out from the daily are in demand In South Africa, ao cording to George L. Foster, Amerk apers. can vice consul general at Cape Town, When the yellow streak begins to who. In a report to the department o! work out of some people they have a commerce and labor, gives as a reasos fii of the blues. therefor the spread of east coast fevei among cattle and the consequent de struction of transportation and farm oxen. He has learned, he says, thal North American mules are most suitable for the work in South Africa As much as ?600 a pair can be ob tained for good mules. ' Seasonable Ideaa on Serving. tha Dainty desserts that appeal to to hard prepare. not be need appetite One especially nice and very Uttle work is called Nut Snow Dessert. Place marshmallows In the oven until lightly toasted, add chopped nuts and serve with sweetened and flavored whipped cream. Cream. Orange-BananHalf fill deep sherbet cups with orange jelly, made strong In both color and flavor by soaking the peel of two oranges In the water before adding to the gelatine. Mash two bananas, add and a a tablespoonful of lemon Juice fourth of a cup of sugar. When light and smooth fold In one cupful of whipped cream. Heap this on the jelly and serve. Casserole of Lambs Liver. Lay the liver In slightly salted water mi hour to draw out the blood and make It firm. Rinse and wipe dry. Fry slices of salt pork In a pan until crisp; remove the pork and add an onion sliced; when brown remove the onion snd add the liver, turn and cook on both sides, then put it into a casserole with two cupfuls of stock and a dozen pota to balls and as many small onions. Jover closely and cook until the vege tables are tender, In a moderate oven. Send to the table In the dish In which It was baked and you have a dinner all ready to serve. A Nice Supper or Luncheon Dish. Cook a dozen tomatoes until soft, put through a sieve and stand aside. In s frying pan put three tablespoonfuls pf butter and half a dozen eggs; stir and cook until smooth, add the (trained tomato and three tablespoon iuls of Parmesan cheese and serve with brown bread. Omelet with ham Is a good break-las- t dish. Prepare the omelet as usual end spread with seasoned and chopped . ham, place in the oven to finish cook-.ng- e lf Let Us Cook Your Breakfast! Serve Post Toasties with cream or milk and notice the pleasure the family finds in the appetizing crispness and flavour of this delightful food. The Memory Lingers Post urn Cereal Co.. Battle Creek, Mieh. ' Murdered Father and Uncle. Arkansas City, Kan. Ebby Shep daughter og J. W pard, the with his brother, Tay who Sheppard, lor Sheppard, was murdered at theii home in Newkirk. Okla.. Friday, con fessed to County Attorney Burns ant Sheriff Rader that she killed the tw men. She declares the cause of thl crime was that the men whipped her She went to the woodshed and so cured the axe with, which the erimi was committed and gave it to the officers. The girl has always been considered feeble minded. Boy Accidentally Killed. Great Falls. Mont. At Hinsdale son ol Mont., Frank, the R. II. Hardin, was accidentally shot by an elder brother and died from thl wound. The older boy was examining the gun when It went off. New Peers Appointed. Lisbon. King Manuel has appoint ed sixteen new peers, all of them sup Thi porters of the presrnt ministry a decree ot am has also king nesty to those who have e'vn offens s through to new-p-re- Boise, Idaho. Secretary of the Interior R. A. Ballinger on Sunday afternoon flatly denied tue report recently sent out from Washington, and supposedly based on an authoritative source, to the effect that he was hastening to the national capital to attend a meeting of the cabinet September 26, and on three days ensuing, when he would put it up straight to his Republican colleagues to either sustain him or turn him down, and that he had determined in the event of being sustained by the other members of the cabinet to remain in regardless of any pressure that might be brought to hear to force his resignation, but that if the heads of the other departments repudiated him, he would resign lnstanter, accepting their Judgment as final, without await lug the report of the congressional Investigating committee. What I Secretary Ballinger said: have said before along that line still stands. I will not resign as long as I am. sustained by the president, cant see what connection the other members of the cabinet can have In this matter. Certainly I have never made any such suggestions, and I am ignorant of such a suggestion having been made by any other member of the cabinet, if such a suggestion has been made which I am wholly disinclined to believe. 5ME has meat an canna eat. And some there be that lack For-tifyin- g Panama Canal, and vors Building of More WILL NOT RESIGN a COAL STRIKE SETTLED. Miners in Southwestern Field Finally Victorious in Struggle. Kansas City. At a meeting which ended Sunday night, the representatives of the miners In the southwest ern field ratified the agreement made with the operators and will resume work at once. The contract as It now stands Is said to be a victory for the miners. According to the new agreement, the miners receive an Increase of 5 55 cents on day work, dead work and yardage. They also receive an in crease of three cents a ton on shooting coal and an increase of five cents a ton on long wall work. The arbitration clause was finally Beet Relish. Take one quart of cooked beets, settled by an agreement to leave all A. Long ihopped, one quart of cabbage, one-ha- future differences to W. L. of Kansas, for settlecup of grated horseradish, two mine Inspector ment cupfuls of sugar and vinegar to moisten. Put In cans and seal for winCAN CONTROL LIQUOR TRAFFIC ter use. Present Laws in Utah Sufficient to Put Dives Out of Business. Salt Lake City That the city coun ell of each city, the board of trustee of each town, and the board of county commissioners of each county In the ONVEHSATKJN is but car vlncr: state of Utah have the power to re3ive no more to every guest fuse to grant any or all applications Than he Is able to digest; made to them to sell liquor, that their 3ire him always of the prime. And but little at a time; power is absolute, and that no court 31 ve to all but just enough; can interfere with them. Is the gist Let them neither starve nor stuff, of a decision announced on Saturday And that each may have his due Let your neighbor carve for you. by the supreme court of Utah. Scott The real effect of the decision is when the people of any county that In the Canning Season. or city in the state desire to stop town Look up the choice recipes that you liquor traffic the voters can do were anxious to try, make a list of the so under the present laws by electing them, then in the stress of the sum- a board of county commissioners, mer work. Important things will not board of town trustees or a city counbe forgotten. This is the month for cil. respectively, that will carry out putting up peaches. One famous their wishes, cook who was an artist In canning Cost of Living in France Increases. peaches always prepared them the Paris. The cost of living In France night before and let them stand covered with sugar until morning. They continues to rise and has increased had a richness no other method gave. by during the last decade. Can as usual. Here is a recipe which The Restaurant Keepers association many may like to try while the cucum- of Paris has dec'ded to raise the price of vegetables and various meat dishes. bers are in their crime; Cucumber Catsup. It Is explained that wine has become Choose fresh green cucumbers of so expensive that the restaurants can the size and quality used for slicing. no longer afford to serve cheap Reject those that are at all bitter, peel dishes. The price of potatoes, moreand grate them. Put into a bag and over, has nearly doubled. drain them, or a sieve may be used. Youth Stabs Man to Death. To every quart of pulp add half a cup-u- l of grated horesradish and half a Kansas City. Lester H!gh a cupful of grated onions, two tableschoolboy, stabbed to spoonfuls of sugar, one tablespoonful death Clqrer.ee Davidson and probabof white pepper and two tablespoonly fatally wounded John Valle In a fuls of salt. Add a quart of cold cider street fight here Saturday nieht. Da vinegar and seal In air tight jars. v dsen formerly was a sweetheart of Plum Catsup. sister. Her father ferbade him Boll the plums with as little water High's to come to his home. After that, acas possible until soft; rub through a to the elder High, Davidson colander and to every five pounds of cording Valle nagged the yoong brother and pulp, add two and a halt pounds of of the girl continually. After the Sugar, a cupful of cider vinegar and a stabbing, young High went to his level (ablespoonful each of cinnamon without saying home and retired Cook half an hour, stir-rluand cloves. relatives about his to cf any anything and hot. seal steadily, boiling trouble. his fine This is especially with beef, veal ar ham. Chicago Second City In Nation. To Pickle Plums. of Washington. The populat'on Gather green plums before they be-iof Is increase an 2,185.283 Chicago to turn; make a pickle of mustard seed and salt with vinegar enough to 486,708 or 28.7 per cent, as compared cover the fruit. Boll and pour over with 1,698.575 in 1900. This announcethe plums three mornings in succes- ment gives Chicago rank In populasion. They may be used In place of tion as the second city of the United Sta:es and the fourth in the world. olives. Grape catsup is prepared the same Chicago has almost doubled Its popuas plum catsup and Is a choice relish lation since 1890, when the figures to serve with ham, venison or any were 1,699,850. Its greatest, growth game. dur'ng that period was between 1890 and 1900, when there was an increase Minced Salt Mackerel. of 54.4 per cent. This Is a nice way of using pieces Physician Grows Weary of Life. jf mackerel left from a previous Cleaveland, O. Driven desperate by meal: Free the fish from skin and an Incurable disease, Dr. Hemley C. bones and mince fine. Make a cream sauce of two tablespoonfuls each of Rutter, former superintendent of the flour and butter. When bubbling add Columbus state' hospital for the Ina cupful of thin cream, cook until sane, and an international authority smooth and thick, season with a lit- on Insanity and nervous diseases, tle onion juice and salt if needed. oommitted sulclle on Saturday. Place the fish in the sauce until Idahoan Drowned in Willamette. heated. Serve in mashed potato nests Or. It is the belief of the Portland, with chopped parsley. iprinkled police that the body taken from the Willamette river was tha'. cf E. G. Knress of Pocatello, Idaho, and that he waa murdered. lf one-thir- d n If you had positive proof that a certain remedy for would you female ills had made many remarkable cures, not feel like trying it ? If during the last thirty years we have not succeeded in. woman that Lydia E. Pink-haconvincing every Vegetable Compound has cured thousands and thousands of women of the ills peculiar to their sex, then we long for an opportunity to do so by direct correspondence. Meanwhile read the following letters which we guarantee to be genuine and truthful. Hudson, Ohio. I suffered for a longr time from a weakness, inflammation, dreadful pains each month and suppression. aI had been doctoring and receiving only temporary relief, when Comme to take Lydia E. Plnkhams Vegetable friend advisedsow and wrote to you for advice. I have faithfully pound. I did five bottle followed your directions and now, after taking only believe I am of the Vegetable Compound, I have every reason totestimonial. to use my a well woman. I give you full permission Mrs. Lena Carmocino, Hudson, Ohio. It-- F. D. No. 7 St. Regis Falls, N. Y. Two years ago I waa so bad that I had to take to my bed every month. I and it would last from two to three weeks. wrote to you for advice and took Lydia E. 1ink-baVegetable Compound in dry form.to I am thanks your happy to say that I ain cured,You medicine and good advice. may use my Mrs. J filetter for the good of others. ms fair-mind- ms ll reyere, St. Regis Falls, N. Y. There is absolutely no doubt about the old remedy, made from ability of this . herbs of our fields, to cure ... Ithe roots andgrand female diseases. We possess volumes of proof of this fact; . . enough to convince the most skeptical. . For 30 years Lydia E. Plnkhams Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female Ills. No sick woman does Justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to its credit M Mrs. Pinkham Invites all sick women Ltf to write her for advice She has to health free of charge. guided thousands Address Mrs Pinkham, Lynn, Mass Remembering Each Other. He sat on the sand at Atlantic City About ten feet in a bathing suit. away she was drawing pictures In the sand with a small brown forefinger. He noticed her complexion, her curves and the glint of gold in her hair, lie wanted to speak, and yet Finally he summoned courage and walked over to her. Didnt I talk with you for about five minutes two summers ago? he asked. "Two years ago, she said dreamily, "Two years ago lat me see did I wear blue silk stockings?" Consumption Can Be Cured. specific has at last been discovered which will positively cure conTubercleclde completely sumption. eliminates the tuberculosis germs from the human body. Results are extremely prompt. Even in severe cases, the tubercle bacilli have been entirely destroyed within eight months. In others marked Improvements have been noted within two to six weeks. This Improvement continues until complete cure Is effected. We have positive proof of our sucWrite for full particulars cess. Tubercleclde Co.. 702 International Bank Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Dont Persecute your Bowels TWmI CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS PirJr sthli AS --mdr M lb bS. Sws. --d , soduAdikals W nhm ddskiwd. CanCw !I HmJmIib Small PUL Small Genuine m-t- Ui Dm. Small Price Signature A the unhappy man who commonly sits down and thinks; the happy man gets up and does something. G. S. Street. It Is LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY FORj SALE cAT THE LOWEST PRICES BY WESTERN 1 DEFIANCE NEWSPAPER ' UNION W. Adam St, Chirac Cold Water Stack girl who sits i n I waits for a mnn makes laundry work pleasure. IS os. pk. to propose must feel a good deal like W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. a cat that Is watching a rathole. A Ids. Despair and Despondency No one but a woman can tell the story of the suffering, the despair, and the despondency endured by women wbo earry-and pain because of disorders ami daily burden of derangements of the delicate and important organa that are distinctly feminine. The tortures so bravely endured completely upset the nerves if long continued. Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription is a positive cure weakness and disease of the feminine organism. a bt IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONd. SICK WOMEN WELL. It allays inflammation, heals ulceration and soothes paln.-I-t tones and builds up the nerves. It fits for wifehood lionest medicine dealers aell it, and and motherhood, have nothing to urge upon you aa just as good. and has a record of forty years of cures. It is Ass Youa Neighbors. They probably know of some of its many cures. If you want a book that tells sll about womans diseases, tnd how to cure them at home, send 21 one-cestamps to Dr. Pierce to pay cost of mailing illustrated emij, and he will send you a frtt copy of his great thousand-pag- e Common Sense Medical Adviser revised, up-t- o date edition, in paper covers. In hsndsome 31 stamps. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. non-secr- nt cloth-bindin- AXLE GREASE Keeps the spindle bright and free from grit. Try a box. Sold by dealers everywhere. Oil Co Continental (Incorporated) Pink Eye, Eptsootlo Shipping Fever ft Catarrhal Fever- Rare cure end poeltlee preventive no metterbow bora ten v etege ern Infected rex pound. Liquid .given on tbe tongue ecteoo the Blood end Gleud: expel tbe ildonoua yrenns from (nobody, t'ure TMutemper In Dog end Kheep end Cholere In uolirv. Lnrureet selling live Rtork remedy ('oree Grippe emong humeo being end f e ne k Liner remodr. 60o end 1 e bottle. 76 end lift e rtosen. tut this out. I will get It for you. Free Booklet tviw to Distemper druggist. wbo mpK ('ti.iwF end ('ntve' bpetal Agents wen ted. ror SPOHH OiCAL CO., - |