Show LORIMER IS NOW ON TRIAL committee investigating charges that election of illinois senator was waa tainted with bribery chicago senator julius C burrows ot of michigan chairman of tho the senate committee that was chosen to investigate the election of senator william lorimer of illinois ai rived arrived here on monday with olbers ot of the committee for the purpose of investigating the charges that the election of 0 lorimer w was as tainted with bribery among other things which will be b determined Is IB what evidence will be asked for by the committee the general eral impression la Is that much testimony willbe will be declared admissible before the committee which in a criminal trial would be held incompetent the investigating committee which is IB a subcommittee sub committee 0 of the senate on privileges and elections la Is composed of the following senators chairman julius C burrows michigan republican welden B D cleyburn idaho republican 11 ican robert J gamble j south dakota republican william D B dil ling langham liam vermont republican whose place Is to be taken alien by morgan oi 0 bulkley connecticut republican james 11 frazier frahler Fraz ler tennessee democrat thomas it paynter Ia kentucky democrat and joseph F I 1 johnston Joh naton alabama democrat |