Show CO commissioners WIN i supreme court upholds action of commissioners in refusing D A smyth smyle a retail liquor ll 11 license cense 1 the supreme court handed han dettl down tin an opinion katurd saturday in in t tho I 1 to c case ase of 1 I A lillyth vs tile the county commissioners of this co county y 11 which aar lr smyth wit was S trying to compel tile commissioners to i issue asil e him it a license to retail liquors fit t the devils Slide after tie connnie lind had refus refused c d to grant himl hi one tha opinion holds that county commissioners city councils anti and town boards have the power to refuse to grant retail liquor licenses it is deemed for the best good of their particular community attorney general barnes states that this case cannot be appealed to to tiny higher tribunal hence it ig final filial this decision deec dece sion is regarded as very important as it is its as much as to say ay that this state lias has the of local option and that each town city or county can call refuse to have saloons in their midst sta statewide state te wide prohibition is now tile the only thing better that remains in tile the liquor line |