Show alft elft r I 1 HEN amk tp has ha meat beat 1 an canna eat cat and some ome be w that lack it aut we hae meat an we can eat and may the lord be than thankie thank kit ll seasonable Seaon able iden ideas on serving dainty desserts that appeal to this the appetite need not be hard to prepare one especially nice and very little work Is called nut snow dessert place marshmallows mallows in the ove oven a tin ill lightly toasted add chopped nuts and serve with sweetened and flavored whipped hipped cream orange banaria banana cream half hair ill III deep sherbet cups with orange jelly made strong in both color and flavor by blaking tile the peel of two oranges in the wate before adding to the llie gelatine gelat lne mash two bananas add a tablespoonful of lemon juice arid and a fourth ot of a cup of sugar when light and smooth old fold in one cupful ot of whipped cream heap this on the jelly and serve casserole of lambs lamb liver lay the liver in ili slightly salted halted water in hour to draw out the blood and mako inake it firm ulnae mid and wipe dry pry slices of salt pork in a pun pan until crisp remove the pork and add an onion allied when brown remove the onion ind add the liver turn and cook on both bides then put it into a casserole with two cupfuls of stock etoch and a dozen potato balls and us as many small onions cover over closely and co cook ok until the vegetables are tender in a moderate oven send to the table in the dish in which it was baked and you have a dinner all ready to serve A nice supper or luncheon dish cook a dozen tonia tomatoes toes until soft put through a sieve and stand aside in i B frying pan put three tablespoonfuls of at butter and halt half a dozen eggs a belr tir and cook until smooth add the trained strained tomato and three tablespoon ats ot of parmesan cheese and serve with brown bread omelet with ham Is a good break last dish prepare the omelet as usual and spread with seasoned and chopped ham place in the oven to finish cook ng mg beet relish T take ke one quart ot of cooked beets shopped hop ped one quart ot of cabbage one half cup ot of grated horseradish horse radish two cupfuls ot of sugar and vinegar to moisten nol mot sten put in cans and sea seal for winter use |