Show KINKS paul it 11 thirn Il lorn lill in ill con 1 11 i bo moved frow from thu tho L D S to lo the tho judge mercy hospital last week with tho the rest of tile tha I 1 0 10 S q L railway patients on account of suffering with an altac attack 1 of pleurisy at last accounts he was some better anil and it was thought though tho ho would bo be moved this week lawrence coles wits was up from the L D S hospital sunday to spend the day with his folks grandma colemere Oo lemero is vory vary 11 ill again sho she lias has boon been ancon sinco wednesday tho the bell BL 11 telephone company hava hav e started improving their ex I 1 1 chango on their of in this county all lines ehlt tit havu havo many parties on aro being cut over into four par ty lines try nyals celery an excellent tonic for women oue dailar a bottlo bottle ut at the lit layton ytoll dru drug co george swan jr went to tho Kays villo hospital again tuesday d ay the doctors grafted skin from his log leg on ills his bade back between his shoulders where lie he was so badly burned at lust last accorn account ts Si lie wa ads doing line flue mrs R W barnes return returned Ld tuesday from logan where she hall had accompanied her daughter ilene who is att attending tho tho ari agricultural college mrs barns loft yesterday for Ki kanias tinas Y M M 1 1 I A was reorganize ed this week georgo george 11 beus bees ley was enado president with charles T burton burlon and bauco major counselors arnold barnos barnes see sec tres and A P n galley class leader the young ladles mutual was also beor reorganized anizel this week with miss martha E H domes barnes pres miss roso chonoy cheney and mrs 0 A williams counselors and miss ida smith secretary miss Bea beatrice barnes and miss rose cheney will open adress a dressmaking parlor in the Kays villo coop co op store tho the first of the iho month mrs john bonnemort Bonno mort who fell and broke her arm is doing loin line her elsier mrs elizabeth bonnemort of 0 salt lako lake city Is spending a tow few days with her this miss janet swan started to school at tho agricultural college in logan monday miss tenna blood and miss nora blamires loft left tor for school at the B Y college in logan monday miss blanche coie col 0 of this place and owen douglass of salt lake were married tuesday tile the young couple will mako their home in tho the city miss afar margaret aret Tho thomasson wasson spent sunday io in sandy G W terrill went to murray on business tuesday miss alice coles has returned irom li a months visit isalt in rigby idaho miss mae strong returned to her home in springville aprin Spring ville thursday after a brier brief visit hero here with relatives mrs airs dr gle gleason son who is v visiting isit in relatives in scotland will I 1 leave cave that country on her homo home ward journey the first of tho month william riley taylor and fain sly ily who spent six months liero hero visiting relatives ret rp turied to their home tit at loa wayno wayne cu coun ty yesterday they were for mery marly residents ol of kaysville Kays ville try nyals yellow pills for con on un lae a bobat box at tile ll 11 layton Y dru drug ITI co miss ida smith returned on oil sunday from froin an exton doo with relatives in ili Pr preston oston J B linday lind ay and wife difo left wednesday bedno biday for on tit an 4 ux tended extended vilt mrs joseph openshaw and children left last week fur for los s angelos angeles chero ahel 0 they expect to spend the Avin winter tor mrs laich aird jardine tind daughter mra irs lulu i ot ota birli tirli ln W WI CB ce bill in town t thi til n li s I 1 if mid altuch from idaho cheru they thu funeral of mr barnai brother johns john I 1 s daughter corns funeral which wa wag held tit at place on monday Io she died of typhoid fever thu the previous krovious pro saturday Satur diLy mr and mrs james jianios kilfoyle Kilfoy lo announce the mar marriage riago of their da uliter olive tu to hart roberts of lay layton ton mrs 11 blood and child children rett havu have returned from their visit la in provo mrs martha E robbins kobbins luft loft for corinno on business sunday school started hora monday eal E M whitesides white sides of layton I 1 is principal IZ J williams Wil linnis of it ka nar raville miss mi ss ethel Asli down of cedar city elbs lilija jolly of ephrann Eph ralin rahn i miss not 11 ll ill of this wila miss auna anna of u salt like lake teach irs A ten pound son was anva born to chester lindsay and difo monday mrs lindsay is lit the home of her parent prients mr and mia kinrod barbos mrs mt georgo B shelli id ld alivs h s returned f from roin her trip toe toc inid ii the cannery ran lan out bouc of torna tonia toes tuesday afternoon so it did not run joice for the second floor Is is being laid on the corner portion oti of tho the kaysville Kays villu ville co coop 01 store stoic block charles Cli arlos odd returned letu rood home from the hospital the the latte i r adi t of last week |