Show GIVEN UP TO DIE doans coin kidney pills effect recovery mrs jf A jinkins quanah texas says 1 I was bloated almost twice natural size I 1 had the best beet physicians but they all failed ailed to help MO me for five weeks I 1 was as helpless as a baby my back throbbed as aa if it would break and the kidney secretions were in terrible condition dit loti the doctors hold held out no hope and 4 I 1 was resigned to my fate at this critical time I 1 began using doans kidney pills and soon BOOB foil felt relief I 1 continued and was cured remember the name doan boang 2 tor for sale by all dealers CO 60 cents a box foster milburn co duffalo buffalo N Y Im diamonds per carcot this trice price is 1 lot clear flawless flawing blones ranging irom from one to two smaller Sint ller sizes iced guaranteed perfect tt at stir per carat when there the are tone cone there probably will be no more now la Is the time to inet in a diamond abd And remember it IS n value will continue on ugwa SALT LARZ arak 0 IJ 00 the american express 24 1 2 hours to california A new electric lighted train cp comp composed sud sed oBed of I 1 und tourist sleeper lepe rii ai nl anine cars iff ette calve edve august will leave salt lle lal ci city t d dally 1 I at t 3 00 p m A arave los lo angele neil day 2 30 p on two other fast through trains tor for Cali california tornia leive leate rali salt ake I 1 like city dally ro 60 0 op 1 rm a an 4 I 1 FA 50 p in tan 40 00 nn to T I 08 a a and return daily until 30 allm iti t 31 1910 nora ture and anfor tiola at ally all ticket it lff bt main sin street idill irinne Hehn hehnle xe IB 16 nt alwi A POSITIVE and bd PE PER CURE FOR drunkenness and JR id opium diseases S th 1 BO BO ikic ik DC prilly I 1 bof bo f THE KEELEY IN W south sooth templo sart t sill salt lake acty phonographs golan get an EDISON phonograph on ry easy torm 3 eh cash and 1 por par wk the talking machine co state slate street salt lake city FOR KODAK FINISHING SEND BEND YOUR WORK TO UD FIDe C commercial 0 MAIN ST P salt la lake laa a city RUBBER STAMPS 11 AD 1 I F 8 TO u i annii u CHECKS ete full y line ne rubber type outfits and supplies Up plies in stock dock M mall 11 rec rc ive prompt attention A LT LAXIE LAKE STAMP P CO salt lake lak city UTAH IMPLEMENT VEHICLE CO to 13 state street stee salt NIM lake cec ce city C ity 19 A FEW specialties iron age potato diggers P 0 beet pulls pullen P fit 0 digger P 0 bat plow jewel stove steve and aad ranges range buckeye cider mills mill I 1 where the goods go are good goods |