Show MORGAN CITY NEWS president heiner made a business trip to silt salt lake tuesday religion class conven convention live tio 0 wat i i held here sunday mrs george ahead I 1 ll 11 of r south weber is hero here I 1 relatives r e t i 1 A baby was mas bo boch I 1 t to 0 mr N i r anil and at mrs morgan WJ white te I 1 sunday if A baby was wasi t S born ril to I 1 mr fr and fj 0 D ra lit I 1 sunday get byoir r 6 nan I 1 license front from G tj aj robbins bobbins a am 0 ba M I 1 tj bishop turner urner who lias has been sick hick a long time remains about the same the schools of the county started monday that is the seventh and all the lower grades the young men and young ladies associations will told hold their convention here sunday miss dennic porter of porterville left monday for logan to attend tile the agricultural college on oil saturday tile the school board beld a profitable meeting tho 3 principals teachers janitors and haulers were also in attendance il II U B fry left sunday for grantsville Grants ville where lie he has accepted the of tile the schools C M croft made a trip trill to salt lake on business tuesday paying liis his brother in farmington a briet v visit isit A few days ago justice fined robert edholm ia 5 for being drunk and carl gorder 19 for ti treating eating his friend too freely 3 mrs 1 rs charles robinson was brought homo home monday from the ogden hospital site she underwent an all operation some time ago for and floating kidney the board of county comm i is will meet on the second monday in october to jip point j judges of election transact general business of th the county patronize patt onie your 3 our home 14 mill first of cour course sebut but if bilyou otil want an outside etever tt lct t flour its it the ever never losta lost A prize in in a competition republican primaries will be held in in the several precincts ol oi tile county this friday night for the of electing delegates delegat es to the state convention to be held ni O ogden deri on oil monda monday 1 l sept 26 for nominating a state ticket the people of this county were very much grieved when they learned of the death of mrs dr french of coalville Co alville who passed way away abile taking ether so as to liae have her tonsil removed on oil previous occasions site had taken take agaes theties without experiencing any iw slit leaves lem cs a husband and two small elin the fol lottin leave well been avi minted by the board of ty coill III issi tu to attena the youil goud roads convention ill i oy og deli beut 23 21 mul mid 26 T L U Kut butters tois W E criddle ceorge I 1 carter Wil william linni olison lt li hison 0 1 L little mid and C E coll conan dic AY AV 1 aj flint of st jila ida lilt jitt formerly lon neily it 11 resident resi jent 0 of f tins talis alaci his has again licen been pinal to by the tit republican air y as a I 1 candidate fr for jilia toner obier of fre it lit lie ills til ivady served tin tho people ol of that alint tn tivo terms |