Show j notice to the public i owing 1 to the existing 11 condl I 1 t ions in various parts of tile the state wo we are convinced after thorough investigations that it ilis easo is existing among the ivald wild ducks geese and other water fowls we feel that those i ads would be unsafe for human food od lind owing to the migratory tay nature of these birds infection lection is liable to be c carried fed to all parts of the state W there fore warn the general public to defrain refrain I 1 from consing consuming the above game ame until su such time when a healthy of the fowls is I 1 assured signed STATE DAIR FOOD flow BURKAU AU J S carve car ver rolt 1 a fasio man I 1 T A willia s sc to and treas ge george orge A hone hon e herman harms state chemist willard hansen state dairy commissioner fred W chambers state fish game came commissioner |