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Show MEET IN CONGRESS THE CIRCULAR STAIRCASE BKmary ROBERTS RINEHART )Ll U3TRAT10HS BY C ,wrMI r 4MN-- ' and mine have suffered enough at the hands of this family.- I rented the house at an exorbitant figure and 1 have moved out here for the summer. My city home is dismantled and in the hands of decorators. I have been here one week, during which I have had not a single night of uninterrupted sleep, and I Intend to stay until I have recuperated. Moreover, if Mr. Armstrong died Insolvent, as I believe was the case, his widow ought to be glad to be rid of so expensive a piece of property. The lawyer cleared his throat "I am very sorry you have mads this decision, he said. Miss Innes, Mrs. Fitzhugh tells me Louise Armstrong is with you. She is. Has she been informed of this double bereavement? "Not yet, I said. She has been very ill; perhaps she can be SYNOPSIS. I - MIm Innes, npinstcr and pruardian of Gertrud and Halsey, established summer Amidst nuheadquarters at Sunnyslde. merous diffleulties the servants deserted. As Miss Innes looked up for the night, she was startled by a durk figure on the veranda. She passed a terrible night, which was filled with unseemly noises. In the morning Miss Innes found a clothes strange link cuff button in a arrived Gertrude and Halsey hamper. with Jack Bailey. The house was awakened by a revolver shot. A strange man was found shot to death, In the hall. It proved to be the body of Arnold Armthe strong, whose banker father owned HalInnes found country house. on Miss lawn. He and Jack the sey's revolver The link cuff Bailey had disappeared. button disappeared. Demysteriously tective Jamieson and the coroner arrived. Gertrude revealed that she was engaged to Jack Bailey, with whom she had talked In the billiard room a few moments before the murder. Jamieson told Miss Innes that she was hiding evidence from him. He imprisoned an intruder in an empty room. The prisoner escaped down a laundry chute. It developed that the Intruder was probably a woman. Gertrude was suspected, for the intruder left a print of a bare foot. Gertrude rehome with her right ankle turned sprained. A negro found the other half of what proved to be Jack Bai levs cuff button. Halsey reuppeared. suddenly He said he and Bailey had left because they had received a telegram. Gertrude paid that she had given Bailey an unloaded revolver, fearing to give him Halof seys loaded weapon. Casluer Bailev Paul Armstrongs bank, defunct, was arHalrested. charged with embezzlement sey said Armstrong had wrecked his own bank, and was able to clear Bailey. A telegram contained news that Paul Armstrong was dead. Halsey trapped Mrs. Watson, the housekeeper, while she was stealing from the house. At the lodge Miss Innes and Halsey found Halsev's fiancee, Louise Armstrong, sister of the he in flead man. She was believedtoldto Miss Innes The lodge keeper a long had had that Louise and Arnold talk the night of the murder. Louise was told. IN THE 8AM E BOAT. AT ROME International Gathering of Foes of berculosis to Be Held Late in September. Tu- ' Official announcement of the Seventh International Congress on Tuberculosis, which will Include representatives from every civilized country In the world, has been made by the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. The congress will be held in Rome from September 24 to 30, 1911, and will be similar Jn man. respects to that held in Washington In the fall of 1908. The congress, which meets every three years, will be under the direct patronage of the king and queen of Italy. An American committee of 100 will be appointed as the official representatives of the United States. Meanwhile the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis Is acting In that capacity and its office In New York will be the headquarters for the United States delegation. The secretary general of the congress is Prof. Vittorio Ascoll of Rome. As a direct result of the stimulus of the last international congress held In this country, the American committee will be able to report that the number of tuberculosis agencies In this country have been tripled in the three tjears. More than twice as much money is being spent in the fight against tuberculosis by private societies and institutions, and the appropriations of federal, state, municipal and county have increased nearly It Is estimated that nearly Jones After preparing a long speech for the dinner the other night. I couldn't remember a word of it Jaggsby I couldnt remember any of mine the morning after. Music lends expression to that for which the speech has no words. Carmen Sylva "It is very sad; very sad, he said. have a telegram for her. Miss Innes. Shall I send it out? "Better open it and read it to me, will be spent In If It is Important, that suggested. work in 1910. will save time. There was a pause while Mr. Harton opened the telegram. A Handicapped Official. Then he read it slowly, judicially. "You let some of the swiftest auto 'Watch for Nina Carrington. Home scorchers get by without a word? I know it, replied the village conMonday. Signed F. L. W. Hum! I said. Watch for Nina stable. My glasses dont suit my Home Monday. Carrington. Very eyes like they used to, and I can't do well, Mr. Harton, I will tell her, but anything with an auto that aint goin she is not in condition to watch for slow enough fur me to read the numprostrated. I Am Very Sorry You H3ve Made This Decision, He Said. ber. any one. CHAPTER XIII. Continued. Well, Miss Innes, if you decide to Thomas has been almost crazy, Miss er than I deserve. And whatever you er relinquish the lease, let me Hows This? The gardener mentioned by Ilalaey Innes. I did not know that Sunnyslde hear about me, try to think as well the said. know, We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for on? lawyer came out about two o'clock In the aft- was rented. I knew my mother wished of me as you can. I am going to marease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's I shall not relinquish it, I replied, Cure. Catarrh stafrom the walked and to ernoon, rent It, without telling my step- ry another man. How you must hate and I up F. J. CHENEY CO.. Toledo. O. imagined his irritation from the We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney tion. I was favorably impressed by father, but the news must have me hate me! he (Or the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honthe receiver. way up huiyj him. His references were good he reached her after I left. When I I could hear Halsey cross the room orable in all business transactions and financially I wrote the telegram down word for able to carry out any obligations mode by his firm. bad been employed by the Brays' until started east, I had only one idea to to the window. Then, after a pause, Waldino. Kinnan A Marvin, to trust my memory, and Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O. they went to Europe, and he looked be alone with my thoughts for a time, he went back to her again. I could word, afraid to ask Dr. Stewart how soon Halls Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting young and vigorous. He asked for to bury myself here. Then, I must hardly sit still; I wanted to go in decided upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tbe Louise might be told the truth. The directly Testimonials sent free. Price 75 eeatfl par ' and give her good shaking. system. one assistant, and I was glad enough have taken a cold on the train. bottle. Bold by all Druggists. conof the I bank Traders closing to get off so easily. He was a pleasant-You came east in clothing suitable Take Hall e Family Pills for constipation Then it's all over, he was saying faced young fellow, with black for California, I said, and like all with a long breath. The plans we sidered unnecessary for her to know, The Modern Polonius. hair and blue eyes, and his name was young girls nowadays, I don't suppose made together, the hopes, the all of but the death of her stepfather and "Now, my boy, dont expect to work Alexander Graham. I have been par- you wear flannels. But she was net it over! Well, Ill nbt be a baby, stepbrother must be broken to hei ticular about Alex, because, as I said listening. and Ill give you up the minute you soon, or she might hear it in some wonders in this world. All right, dad. unexpected and shocking manner. Miss Innes," she said, has my say 'I don't love you and I do love before, he played an Important part "You can get quicker returns by Dr. Stewart came about four o'clock, later. some one Arnold else!' gone away? stepbrother I can not say that, she breathed, bringing his leather satchel into the working suckers. I asked, That afternoon I had a new Insight What do you mean? Into the character of the dead banker. startled. But Louise was literal. but, very soon, I shall marry the house with a great deal of care, and When Rubbers Become Necessary I had my first conversation opening it at the foot of the stair with He didn't come back that night, other man. your anoee pinch, shako Into your to show me a dozen big yellow eggt And Louise. She sent for me, and against she said, and it was so important I could hear Halsey's low' triumhoes Allen's Foot-Easthe antiseptic bottles. the tired, aching nesting among my better judgment I went. that I should see him. phant laugh. out of Corns and Real eggs, he said proudly. None She held out her hand and I took I defy him, he said. I believe he has gone away. I re.. for Breaking In Sweetheart, shoes and for dancing parties. Bold It between both of mine. Isn't It something as long as you care for me, I am not of your anemic store eggs, "but the real New plied uncertainly. 25c. Sample mailed FREE. thing some of them still warm. Fee! everywhere 'What can I say to you. Miss la- that we could attend to instead? afraid. Address. Allen 8. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. T. for Miss Louise! To have nes?" she said slowly. The wind slammed the door between them! Egg-noBut she shook her head. 1 must do He was beaming with satisfaction, Cruel. come like this the two rooms just then, and I could it myself, she said dully. Mrs. before and he Benham on he I thought she was going to break insisted left, moEvery time I sing to to came go at I hear the door moved that more, although Halsey nothing ment and I could hear him coaxing my chair quite close. .After a dis- ing back to the pantry and making the baby, he cries. down, but she did not with his own hands. SomeBenham He gets his ability as a You are not to think of anything Llddy for admission to the sick room. creet interval, I went into the other an egg-nobut of getting well, I said, patting Shall I bring him in? I asked room and found Louise alone. She how, all the time he was doing it, 1 musical critic from my side of the her hand. "When you are better, I Louise, uncertain what to do. The was staring with sad eyes at the had a vision of Dr. Willoughby, my house. mm going to scold you for not coming girl seemed to shrink back among cherub painted on tlie ceiling over the nerve specialist in the city, trying tc I wondered if h And we once heard of a man who bore at once. This is your home, my her pillows at the sound of his voice. bed, and because she looked tired I make an egg-noever prescribed anything so plebeian wrote a book on How to Get Rich was vaguely irritated with dear, and of all people in the world, her; did not disturb her. and so delicious. And while Dr who had actually done it himself. Halseys old aunt ought to make you there are few young fellows like Halwhisked the eggs he talked. Stewart XIV: willwelcome. CHAPTER and sey straightforward, honest, causes many serious diseases. It I said to Mrs. Stewart, he con- IsConstipation cured She smiled a little, sadly, I thought. ing to sacriflce everything for the one hy Doctor Pierce's Pleasant thoroughly fided, a little red In the face from the Pellets. One a laxative, three for cathartic. An and a Telegram I ought not to see Halsey, she woman. I knew one once, more than We had discovered Louise at the exertion, after I went home the othei Miss Innes, there are a great aid. 0 years ago, who was like that; he Absence makes the picture post many things you will never under- died a long time ago. And sometimes lodge Tuesday night. It was Wednes- day, that yea would think me an old stand. I am afraid. I am an Imposter take out his picture, with its cane day I had my interview with her. gossip, for saying what I did about cards accumulate. on your sympathy, because I I stay and its queer silk hat, and look at it. Thursday and Friday were uneventful Walker and Miss Louise. Nothing of the sort, I protested. here and let you lavish care on me, But of late years it has grown too save as they marked improvement in Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Synp. reduceatB The fact Is, he went on, evidently For chi iu rol teetoing, Bofuti Uie u m. and ail the time I know you are going painful; he is always a boy and 1 am our patient. Gertrude spent almost Mlfnagimin. fetCS llULUfe ol "I that himself, got with and two ail time the justifying piece the had me. her, to despise an old woman. I would not bring him Nonsense! I Baid briskly, grown to be great friends. But cer- information just as we get a lot o) Why, back if I could. We are builders of our own characof the what would Halsey do to me if 1 even ters. J. F. W. Ware. Perhaps it was some such mem- tain things hung over me constantly; things, through the kitchen end the coroner's Inquest on the death of house. Young Walkers chauffeur ventured such a thing? He is so big ory that made me call out sharply. And then I took Arnold Armstrong, to be held Satur- Walkers more fashionable than I am. Come in, Halsey. and masterful that if I dared to be my sewii. and went Into the boudior day, and the arrival of Mrs. Arm- and he goes around the country in car well, his chauffeui beyond, to play propriety. I did not strong and young Dr. Walker, bring- Stanhope comes to see our servant girl, and he of the dead of the body to ing president but hear what sa'.d, every they try word came through the open door with the Traders' bank. We had not told told her the whole thing. I thought It was probable, because Walker spent Louise of either death. curious distinctness. Ha'sey had a lot of time up here last summer, I was anxious I the too, about Then, bod over to and the gone when the family was here, and be inherichildren. With sitheir mothers was suppose he kissed her. There lence for a moment, as if words were tance swept away in the wreck of the sides, Riggs, that's Walkers man, had bank, and with their love affairs in a a very pat little story about the docsuperfluous things. 1 have been almost wild, sweet- disastrous condition, things could tors building a house on this proper heart," Halsey's voice. "Why didn't scarcely be worse. Added to that, the ty, Just at the foot of the hill. Th you trust mo, and send for me be- cook and Llddy had a flare up over the sugar, please. The eggnog was finished. Drop by for proper way to make beef-te- a fore?" "It was because I couldn't trust my- Louise, and, of course, the cook left. drop the liquor had cooked the egg ALCOHOL-- 3 PER CENT Mrs. Watson had been g'ad enough and now, with a final whisk, a last self," she said in a low tone. "I am AWgetable Preparation for Astoo weak to struggle oh, Hal- I think, to turn Louise over to our toss in the shaker, it was ready, similating the Food and Regulahave wanted to see you! care, and Thomas went upstairs night symphony in gold and white. The sey. how TP-r- o ting the Stomachs and Bowels of was something I did not hear, and morning to greet his young mis- doctor sniffed it. "Real eggs, real milk, and a touch tress from the doorway. Poof then Halsey again. I MVNTSTtC H I LURLNfi He had the faculty found of real Kentucky whisky, he said. We could go away, he was say- Thomas! on He insisted him some old in still it who to up matter it "What negroes, does about carrying cling ing. any Promotes Digestion, Cheerful-nessan- d one in the world but Just the two ot the traditions of slavery days of self, but at the foot of the stairs h Rest.Contains neither us? To be always together, like this, making his employer's interest his. It paused. Opium .Morphine nor Mineral Riggs said the plans were drawn hand In hand; Louise dont tell me was always "we with Thomas, for the house, he said, harking back obseNot it Isn't going to be. I won't believe miss him sorely; Drawn by Husquious, not over reliable, kindly old to the old subject. you." P,p, sou DrSAIfVEUmrE He Looked Young and Vigorous. ton In town. So I naturally believed You don't know; you dont know," man! Pumpkin Sd On Thursday Mr. Harton, the Arm him. ' Mix Stmnm anything but rapturous over you, he Ixmise repeated dully. Halsey, I care fixhtlU Smtt InWhen the doctor came down, I wat would throw me out of a window. you know that but not enough to strongs' legal adviser, called up from dntu town. He had been advised, he said, ready with a question. deed, he would be quite capable of it. marry you." ftpptrmiml Doctor, I asked, "is there any one She seemed scarcely to hear my fa That Is not true, Louise, he said that Mrs. Armstrong was coming esrst kit rm Srod You cannot look at me with with her husband's body and would In the neighborhood named Carring cetious tone. She had eloquent brown sternly. ClerSwi Sufar Wmkrfrvtm flavor arrive Monday. He came with some ton? Nina Carrington?" eyes the Inneses are fair, and prone your honest eyes and say that. I cannot marry you, she repeated hesitation, at last, to he fact that he to a grayish-greeoptic that is better Carrington? He wrinkled his fore A perfect Remedy forConstipa for use than appearance and they miserably. It's bad enough, isn't it? had been further instructed to ask head. No, I don't re Carrington? lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, seemed now to be clouded with trou- Don't make it worse. Some day. be- me to relinquish my lease on Sunny-sid- member any such family. There used Worms .Convulsions .Feverishas it was Mrs. defore long, you will be glad. ble. to be Covingtons down the creek. Armstrongs ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. she said softly Then it is because you have never sire to come directly there. Poor Halsey! The name was Carrington," I said I was aghast. Miss Innes, I cannot marry him, and loved me. There were depths of hurt the and subject lapsed. lac Simile Signature o f Here! I said. "Surely you are You saw how I am afraid to tell him. I am a cow pride in his voice. pro BE CONTINUED.) much I loved yon, and you let me mistaken, Mr. Harton. I should think ard a coward! after what happened here only a few I aat beside the bed and stared at think you cared for a while. No Woman a Rural Malt Carrier. 'Tm Centauh Company her. She was too ill to argue with, that isn't like you, Louise. There is days ago. she would never wish to Mrs. Carrie Doherty King, of CryNEW YORK. and, besides, sick people take queer something you haven't told me. Is it come back. stal Springs, Miss., Is the only woman because there is some one else? "Nevertheless," he replied, she is mail carrier in her state. She dellv fancies. onth; most anxious to come This Is what ers mall on a rural route, making a "We will talk about that when you Yes, almost inaudibiy. Cy 4. she says: Tse every possible means circuit of about 25 miles a day. In Louise! Oh, I don't believe it are stronger," I said gently. It is true, she said sadly. Halsey, to have Sunnyside vacated. Must go her girlhood she won many trophies But there are some things I must Guaranteed under the Food Jij You mus you must not try to see me again. As there at once. tell ynu. Rhe .insisted. for her horsemanship, an accomplish Exact Copy of Wrapjw. Mr. Harton, I said testily, I am ment that is now ot great service to soon as I can, 1 am going away from wonder how 1 came here, and why not to are so do all kind much old where here Dear the kind of going you the her. tavA lodge. anything I four-foul- is I want any person who suffers with bll or any lousness, cousilpation, indigestion Paw-Paliver or blood ailment, to try my Liver Pills. I guarantee they will purify the blood and put the Uver and stomach into a healthful condition and will positively cure biliousness and constipation, or 1 will refund Munyon's Homoopathic Homs your money. . T 53rd and Jeffsrssn Sts., Phlla., Pa. Co., Remedy HY MURINE EYE REMED For Red, Week, Weary, Watery Eye end GRANULATED EYELIDS Murine Doesn t Smart-Soot- Drecffat. 5.1 Mara Er Eye Pain hes liadr, Y Lieeid, ZSc, Me, 51.01 Murine Eye Salve, in Ateptic T ubee, 25c, $1.00 EYE BOOKS AND ADVICE FREE BY MAIL MurinoEyeRemedy Co ..Chicago W. L. DOUGLAS HAND-8EWE- QUSVCQ O I! WleO D PROCESS HEPS $2.00, $2.60, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 WOMEH'fi $2.50, $3,$3.S0, $4 ' BOYS $2.00, $2.50 & $3.00 THE STANDARD FOR 30 YEARS They are absolutely the moat popuUrand beatshoea for the price in America. They are the leaders e because they hold ' their shape, fit better, look better and wear lon- than other make. . fer are positively the most economical shoe for you to buy. W. L. Dougina name and the retail price are (tamped on tne bottom value guaranteed. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE! If roar dealer eennot (apply yon write (or Kail Order Catalog. very-wha- ra I WL. DOUGLAS. e, Worlds g g Egg-No- g HrnmnimH-AlUgaftiLll- "Caacarrta are certainly fine. l eave a friend one when the doctor wee treating him for cancer et the etomach. The neat morning he peeerd lour pieces of tape worm. He then got a bog and In three days be passed a lope wiwm 4S(eet was Mr. Matt Freck, of Millereburg, lug. It Co., Pm. I am quite a worker for Caeca, Dauphin lets. I nee them myselfaad find them beneficial for moat any disease caused by impure blood." ; ChanS. Condon, Lewiston, Fa., (Mifflin Co.) Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never Siokea,Weaken or Gripe. 10c, 25c, 50c. Never told in bulk. Tbe genuine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to SO own or your money back. ICQ 1 VC AflltlU nWvn I A RELIABLE i PROMPT Gold, 76c; Gold and Silver, 1.00 Gold, Silver and Copper, 11.50. Gold and Sliver refined aod bought, write for free mailing sacks. OGDEN ARRAY CO 10S6 Court Place, Denver, Colorado, Just Think-Or- Now der wlnier s reading 40 beautiful secomi-han- u oooks larked and crated only & 00. ni. F. Mrarj',44 WEiaat8tret,8t. Louis, Mo. A DEFIANCE STARCH evi-lenti- For Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Havo Always Bought to-da- 1 Bears the Signature Narcotic n -- In Use e. For Over Thirty Years H mJha |