Show A joint reto revolution lution tin amendment to section I 1 of article XIV of it the tia canott cution of tile the state of utah in relation to tle the limit of the state indebtedness ito tt it resolved by tile legislature of the tb state ut of two thirds of all tile the members ta embr clouted e to fact of tile the two houses concur r lne therein i see sec I 1 it i ti ii i proposed to amend section it 1 ot of article XIV of 0 the constitution of the state I 1 i of utah so 80 that the time will rend read us as follows follO Wg sec 1 to meet casual deficits or failures la in revenue and for necessary expenditures for p public bublic purposes including the of public abd for the payment of all it territorial assumed by the state ilia state may con tract debts not ex aeed ing in tile aggregate nt any onetime one time un an amount ligual to one and one bait per cen win ot t the balao odthe tax atile property of tile lie tato ti ito as shown by tile the lait assessment binm for bdate purposes previous tf the incurring of banti maynee amny icv 1 rr contract 0 n tract any except mi its in tl be I 1 Al in excess ot ouch itte lint nd st all V I 1 arising from i londin nano shall berntn berl ht liall bo be applied solely to tle tile sets ica tt which they city were obtained sec bee 3 1 Is III directed to c lause t P proposed amendment to ila be A required by the constitution and to bo be out BU wilted eted to thu tho electors of tile the state at the election in the manner ty by law a w soc pec W af it if approved by title electors clo ctorn of tile the state etma this proposed amendment hall take uio tile first dakof lay c january A 1 I 1911 STATE OF UTA UTAH 11 j 8 sa office ice of ot secretary of state 1 I churles 8 secretary of state of the state of utah do hereby certify that tile hie foregoing Is 1 a i full true und and correct copy of a resolution proposing an to section 1 of article XIV of the ion of tile state of utah in a relation to the limit of the state passed bashed by ilia ile eighth ot of the ibe legislature ofa this yale state I 1 hava have hereunto set aft my liand band and the areat fc of ilia state of utah ut at suit salt lake city this Ill duy day of if augu A M I 1 1810 1110 a 0 B S secretary of L I 1 seul aall |