Show PUZZLED hard work sometimes sometime to ratio raise children childrens taste la is more mora accurate in selecting the right kind of food to fit the body than that of adults nature works more accurately through the children A brooklyn lady says our little boy had long been troubled with weak digestion we could n never ever persuade him to take more than tha 11 one taste it if any kind of 0 cereal food ile ha was a weak little chap and we were pul tied to know what to feed him on one lucky day d ay we tried well you never saw a child sat eat with such a relish and it did me wood good to see him from that day on it seemed as though we could almost see him grow ile he would eat for breakfast and supper and I 1 think he would have liked the food for dinner the difference in his appearance la is something wonderful my ily husband hid had h id never fancied cereal foods of any kind but he became very fond of grape nuts and has been much improved in health since using it we are now a healthy family and natura naturally ly believe in grape nuts A friend has two children who were formerly afflicted with tickets rickets I 1 was satisfied that the dl disease rease was caused by lack of proper nourishment they is showed bowed it so surged I 1 urged her to use grape nuts as an experiment and the result was almost magical they continued the food and today both children are well and strong as aa tiny any children in this city and of 0 course my friend it la a firm believer in grape nuta for or she ehe has the evidence before her eyes every day read head tho the road to Well bellville wellville ville found in clogs theres a reason E ever ei i read tah the bv b v A BB p arm t ti alme th re rrnald true ad ull full or of IN |