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Show .Lms:iZTtx.r"r.?i. gKmiar arear. TRATION L JUj Commencing MONDAY, September and Conti uing Until Saturday, October 1st J By inaugurating this demonstration sale we wish to demonstrate to the people what we can do or cash. By seliing for cash we can afford to sell for a small profit as it will do away with ail bookkeeping and loss on accounts, thus giving the people ai! the benefits, better to let your money lay in the bank and draw four per cent interest or bring it to our store and save from ten to forty per cent? is it I We f will deliver the goods to any part of the Bountifuls on short notice. Everything in the store is included in this demonstration at a liberal cash discount sxsssaa TfPrWZT Gib&3S2& Hooks and eyes, card GROCERIES Mens Furnishings Best salmon, can Peas 17 i. Tomatoes, can . 3 for 25c . 7 Currants Men's overalls, plain Mens corduroy pants, best $2.50 25c Mens neckwear, 35c, 50c, 75c . Men's brown knit underwear, suit 98c r Mens 90c gray underwear, suit 19c Mens fancy hose, 25c to 50c . 10c Best black engineer hose . 7ic 'Good quality gray hose Mens work shirts, best grade 39c . . 98c 'Mens dress shirts Mens hats by the basket. 27 and made by Brown Shoe Co. and M. D. l-- 2c Favorite oats 3 for 25c Twin Brothers mush 3 for 25c Arbuckle coffee . 15c . Maja coffee 17 Tree tea, package . 19c Hewletts tea, package . 19c These are only a few of our special prices for next week. Our meats will be included in this sale. Hams from 15c to 20c pound. All fresh meats will be cut with our bargain knife Crockery Department set . $6.69 42 piece dinner set White cups and saucers, set . White plates, set . . . . . . 49c 30c funded and prices to fit your pocket book. All Glassware, 20 per cent off All THE TERMS OF THE SALE Hardware, 20 per cent off WILL BE PI lOio BOUNTIFUL, UTAH Childrens and misses bearskin hose, 15c pr Childrens and misses lisle hose 20c pr fjiM Good grade of child- rens ribbed hose Jewelry at one-ha- lf 10c the former price 7 CENTS . Staple ginghams, yard Red Seal Zephyr ginghams, yd 8a CENTS 8 CENTS . . Hope bleach, yard 5 CENTS . . Calicoes, yard 7 TO 10 CENTS Outing flannel, yard Everything in dress goods from 10 CTS UP Eight-quart- er bleach sheeting, yd 25 CTS $3.59 Wells. Every pair guaranteed to fit and wear or money re- .2 price. 20c . 1c and up Safety pins, card 1c and up Pins Ladies hemstitched handkerchiefs . . . for 5c and up Mens handkerchiefs 5c and up Ladies corsets, $1, 1.25, 1.50 $1.00 10c up Ladies hose Ladies ready made white goods, half off. Ribbons, laces and embroideries cut to a fraction of former l-- 2c . Modena coffee Gold band 70 piece dinner Shoe Department. Our shoe stock is the largest in the county 2c 3 for 25c . Columbia oats, package Mens shirts Mens overalls, bib l-- 3 for 25c Raisins 25c and up . 82c 49c l-- 2c 1c . Millstuffs .' . Wheat, bushel Fancy patent flour, per cwt Straight grade flour, per cwt High patent flour, per cwt . . Bran, per cwt. . . Shorts, per cwt STRICTLY SPOT 85 CENTS $2.00 $2.10 . $2.25 . $,Q0 . $,2Q CASH. |