Show 1 coming production king jared rehearsals rehear als of the now new boon book of moimoi pu kin kins anred are pro vory sails satis facto rily consequently a lhost artistic and pleasing performance is looked forward to greit great earo care ani and donbor itsou lus has been take 11 in tho the or of actors actor iud and no ac tu to e oi 3 ay tho tha roin roles of tho the sturdy Jared ites no detail no watter matter how small with in ill the power of alto has been in giving tile tho public an acceptably accept ablo cist cast elaborate elabu rAta scenery onory sc ani and dutiful b ful cos i A brief of tile ihu Jar jaredine edite nation will ivo ive one it a f idea of tho thos great reit possibilities lor for tai aliu 6 construct iori it if un all and romantic play by if the great features or r love hatred hit iod scorn j uy it feml I 1 ld greed contained con luned in tho the story or of the abo tin tho play chiy deals avith ith the who ho lived in north ancil cal 01 ami ix cally ill in ill tho eastek pint part of thu united stales and who w t tw to he given of thein ill in the book ot of morim loignon loi inon LI W V n I 1 r e oil one of the greatest nat notions ions ot of antiquity in ili net fit abe prophet says his no nation ever ctr lived on oil the earth the play begill beins 4 wiell tile period in in citory ot if tile ln lar laredith edite people when they were ruled over cl by h kins kings was is contrary to tile the ims ot of their fathers theis and illets olig with alivin abe youngest son inherited inherit etl tile the crown fl MIL ins his father iii instead melad of i the oldest this fact tu it lave groused the linger anger of anred the itie oldest son boil of ainer and 11 lie e rebelled his father and obtained the hing doia from thy the agea monarch chow honi lie held in ill captivity until the younger sons rolls had grown grow nto to manhood when they gic gave battle to their tyrant brother and obtained tile alie Ling hing doin dout hack back a gain to the their ir lather faither the aged mon konrach rach this battle was fought all night llight long and tile play piny opens with this bottle still raging in ill alie nick ground il at early lawn dawn ing tle the hill Cuino Cui norah raili around they were mere fighting 9 after kitred jaired is defeated his life being spared through the intercession hioki of liis his fil father falther ther lie he became very sorrow fiA nl because of the loss of liis is ilis his daughter daug liter observing s lier her fathers sadness devises I 1 aises vises a 1 sch scheme ellic sli showing olvin how the kingdom can an bo bis reg through iare aid of tile secret orders thun thell oil among the people the daughter of jared is it 11 most beautiful young omaia fascinating artful ind and very shrewd shield her alun which is accepted by lier her father is is to win by lier her beauty and cunning the heart of akish a friend and counsellor to feic old king hing onier accordingly a banquet is prepared at which akili is a 1 guest of lionor honor the dati daughter liter of jared whose beauty IS is cillian ced hy by her jewels and dress completely captivates captiva tea the beart lie nt it if akish as she dances be loic foro tile ineil throng tin oils it at ill alio hall ban biet ball when aldah seeks I 1 ler bior father out ont anil and asks for foi her ila hand 1 ill in marriage according acco iding to tile the pre pic irr aged plans plains lie is is told eliat ile he may have tile fair olle of on one olle con coll it a condition akish is is eager to lo learn ind and is is astounded when lie he is is told lie insist bring binik the lend head of nt ins his old friedl the king ile he shrinks ill in horror ut tit the ifal awful condition but is dazzled by b the beauty oi of Za linona who iio just aist at this smiles bewitchingly hilli and lie he accepts the proposition of jared for foi ins his liand hand fisli becomes at once the leader of ii a powerful secret organization and undertakes alif tusk task ilPO imposed upon him b by tile the wiles wile or ol be 1110 kinig kin attended ly by his llie lovely copl daughter is is fl leoin oll ins his ill in tile the royall boil palace filst after the ol of her lover loi one of E tile le sons of nf tile agai id knik king calces precaution for the ot of their ly by clig ithe jhc thc guard and ta king personal charge of the same saine but akish abis I 1 j with liis bis hand overpowers tile tho guard anil and capt captured the royal party at the time of 0 their flight haslit kiall alish ki sll Ila having been fetn the means of t g barea on the abrone thinks himself hilli self ell pablo of if becoming king hinr iru are says ans IP if I 1 rati niala hint libin lii liti malce hini anil seat myself upon the throne at will by tile the aid kiil of liis his powerful band lie accomplishes his ambition after living having slain ring king jared dared having become kins hing akish tires of zill al inona illona who scorns liim us lier her fathers murderer being thus scorned by her who had lured liim from froin the path of lionor honor lie turns toward it ward the purity and ggs lones for i ur the love or of diners lovely daug daughter liter angaline Ang cline aboin lie holds it prisoner in the palace ile seeks lier her chamber and endeavors to win will lier for ili his own slie she however scorns liis his foul propose proposal anil and reminds of tile guilty past lie ile pleads with her and offers it to share the crown with her but all to no nn purpose pur lose slie she is determined to retain her purity and calls upon ulon heaven for assistance akish not to be baffled ba frIed seizes her in nil all attempt to overcome her when lier her lover the courageous siu Slie nilon appears upon tile the scene tile the gates gales of the palace having been unbarred for liim lihn by Za linona with the result that shellon aldel in ill it terrible duel dud t eliding anding with akish being forced over the balcony to his deatle 1 e ath at this jun juichiro chiro the ill ased aged king ainer is ii escorted into the palace by his sons soils and attendants and king amid the plaudits pl audits of welcome from liis followers the scenery is original and lias has been painted especially for r trie the play the hill Cuni orah which was w is known to the Jared ites as mullah is a painting that is attracting tr widespread wide spread interest the other oilier scones scenes of the banquet hall md and the throne room koom in the palace are especially title line and well tie de to to advantage the strong strone 1 climaxes of if this aliis wonderful aliv pl ly |