Show BALLINGER WILL NOT RESIGN As A long as 33 the president Is satisfied he will not consult wishes of cabinet M members abers colbe balse idaho idabo secretory secretary of the interior R A ballinger on sunday afternoon flatly denied we report recently sent out from washington and supposedly based on an authoritative source to the effect that ho he was hastening to the national capital to attend a meeting of the cabinet september 26 and on three days ens ensuing when he be would put it up straight to ills republican colleagues to either sustain him or turn him down ana that he be had determined in the event of being sustained by the other members of the cabinet to remain in regardless ne ardless ot of any pressure that might be brought to bear to force his resignation but that it the bends of 0 the other departments repudiated him he would resign instanter accepting their judgment as final without awaiting the report of the congressional investigating vesti gating committee secretary ballinger Halll nger said what I 1 have salt bald before along that line still stands I 1 will not resign no as long as I 1 nm am sustained by the president I 1 cant see what connection the other members of the cabinet can nave in this matter certainly I 1 have never made any such suggestions an and 1 I I 1 am ignorant of such it a suggestion having been made annd by any other ine member niber of 0 the cabinet if such a suggestion lias has been made which I 1 am wholly bisin dined to believe |