Show NOTICE any one found hunting on oil my illy premises will be prosecuted JOHN A WEBSTER kaysville Kays ville utah t A id ae t L F d 0 i r salt lake lak city october ctr ard 3rd rd to ath y lt I bigger 11 and hotter better t than a 1 ever 1 before t i rv in cash prizes S for exhibitors X besides 24 cups and 70 gold medals f will be sp t in free entertainment features fo for visitors I 1 races dally daily fo 1 purses p u that aggregate f reduced rate rat effon n all railroads j for further 1 9 f formation 0 r address the secretary 45 W t south temple street s root salt lake city f general admission Cli Clit ildren loc horace S ensign J G llyl 2 secretary brer president ilion |