Show UTAH STATE NEWS during an electrical storm at H we 0 ahl lightning struck the barn of george E howard oward Il burning it to the lir irO roand tind ch charles rles ashmall under arrest in aalt lake city has confessed to fourteen burglaries in the capital city during durin 9 the past four months inc incendiaries endl arles are causing con considerable sidel damage rian aage in the vicinity ot of san banta several haystacks having been destroyed by fire the past week the damberger road will III be double tracked in the immediate future lioni farmington to Kay eville and also for or five dye miles out of salt lake and ogden clarence morgan a miner employed at the silver king coalition mine lit at park city fell ell down a chute fifty feet in length and escaped serious injuries with the largest representation in th the history of tho the union on hand tho the state convention ot of the W C T U opened in provo on the for a three days session the license to retail and wholesale liquor dealers of park city was I 1 increased n at a meeting ot of the city counell council thursday night mayor frank daly asting the deciding ballot joe 29 years or of UK nyo was killed at the columbus consolidated mine in alta district tuesday afternoon by the caving in of a seven foot in which he ha was shoveling at the fourth annual convention of the utah state federation ot of labor held li in salt lake city a resolution was adopted opposing any change in 10 the present liquor laws of the state losing ills his balance and falling from the wagon in which he was riding as the team took a sharp turn joau i ahlson pioneer farmer r of lI hooper weber county broke his neck dying instantly W J burns A farmer ot of deaver beaver county has raised probably the the largest squash ever seen in the state the squash it Is said bald will weigh bounds it will be placed on bounds lion at the state fair N at a meeting ot of the members of the utah press association at tremonton Tre monton on september 13 a resolution was adopted placing the members on record as being against the creation ot of a R railroad commission clement strong aged 9 was seriously injured at alpine when a cartridge which he be had bad found wua was exploded the thumb and forefinger b being e torn from the left hand and the right hind hand badly lacerated while hunting doves in a canyon about a mile south ot of KaYs kaysville ville C W whitman ot of salt lake was accidentally ci shot in the leg lee by a friend about small shot entered his right leg le just above the knee A most important la in the direction of good roads has been start ed cd e d in sevier county next week tho the county road commissioner win will commence work at salina on a section of the state stale road leading south there will be a matter of spent on this work another mysterious fire occurred at when the big barn belonging to henry dorieus Dorl Dor imus mus secretary or tha tooele thoele waterworks water works was burned tho item barn contained a large quantity ot of farming arming machinery which chich was destroyed st A horse horbe valued at was also burned the recruiting station of the marine corps established in salt lake city on june 25 has bas made an excellent showing in enlistments for the bervice during that time seventy three men have been enlisted over 80 per cent 0 of these being residents of utah U tah the digging of beets has commenced in cache valley the crop Is short as aa compared with that of last year in some of the big producing districts like lewiston the estimate is that there will be at least a 30 per cent cant reduction in the crop parasites which look like cantaloupe seeds are believed to bo be the cause of the death of the wild ild fowl in utah according to dr J W treman city veter narlan of salt lake who ha his forwarded forrar ded specimens of the th parasites to the government health bureau at washington the socialists met in salt lake city and nominated a complete state and county ticket the platform reaffirms the principles embodied in the national platform of 1308 1908 decla declaring r in favor ot of a complete overter overthrow ow of existing economic econ omle and pelt political cal conditions nine of salt lakes labes greatest retail establishments have decided to return to the late into closing saturday nights and beginning september 17 the old hours will be ba resumed the big merchants claim they have lost 00 0 this summer as a result of the early closing movement A company which la Is composed largely of salt lake laka people proposes to build a big amusement resort at milleville millville Mill ville cache county and colstr construct act and operate an electric line through logan between und lind llyde park desperate Dv operate to the point of suicide because hla his cravings clavings cravi for hop could not be satisfied john dell bell a dope fiend attempted to take his hie own life by banging himself from the ceiling of his cell in the city lall jail at ogden but was discovered before life was extinct |