Show A proposing ill an amendment to section 3 2 ot 91 at AI welo t X at tile 1 ut aliu 0 to hie system had and bof article X of tile tho constitution tanh to school ila iad lo its 10 it d anti in enacted by the ierlan pit alt iia hio toe to each achot of tho the two houses concurring therein section 1 that it 1 lit proposed to amend section 2 of A article X of the conett aution or of tile tho or of utah to renil read as n follows fol lown sections the public syam include kindergarten mh sebo olst common schools nc hool consisting of primary and grammar tirades tg rudon fr rades schoola nn iril it an narl such guch other schools as a tile I 1 legislature egi slature mity may establish tho the common romi schools schoola shall tie ile free the other departments of the system ahall ile ho supported at as provided by bylaw law section 3 tito tho proc proceeds eods of ull all landi land that have been or anay be boR granted rAnted by the tha to this mate for the support of tile the common school s the proceeds of nil proper ty that may artrue ito ilia state by escheat or tortel tural all ill unclaimed shares and dividends of any incorporated under the ilia laws of this state tho the proceeds ds ot of the sale of umber timber mineral or othor property properly from school und and state lands land other than those granted for specified puru own anti n ore ve per contu in of 0 tile the not lint of tile the tale ale of public lands lying within tile state hull lie by tile the to ali I 1 4 doll ot of WS state into tile the union bell a and remain it 11 perpetual fund to lit 11 tile diate kund fund ilia interest of 0 which gy jay together with such guch other M its netho n alie legislature may inay provide shall ite lie diVil buted among the several dis pricy according accord lox to th tho school population voiding therein herein provided Thit tall funda derived d craved from stay liny state tax for alli behall bo be apportioned ninona among the loveral cities tali and school districts according to the at the high ich noli therein bleull be entitled to any part of the und fund r cje r ive d from tile tax for or high unless tile the high school therein Is upon UKI the dortho period during tin year that nitty may bu fixed by the state stata hoard board at 0 education section il the ot mante in directed to submit tills amendment amend ineil to the elvictor elt ictor of the state at the next general biec alon in aliu man milliner tier provided by law li it if adopted by the fanto ahti j amendment arnen dment shall jiin STATE or OF UTAH iss i ss Off office leont of secretary lofstate of State I 1 1 charles 8 secretary of kitto of tile the moll doh dobo reby certify that tho iss lull full true and correct copy of a romo lution prop an amendment to seta sec alon 2 of article X of if tile tho constitution ot of tile tho state ot of utah iv as amended jan Istl WK relating to the ali public school sy stern i und and section 3 of article X of the constitution of er the stale of mail lit as amended jan jail 1 loar relating to tile the school system and section 3 of article X 0 tile state of utah relating to the thos state tt school flighty regular heglon of attlio ule legislature of tills this state IN I 1 have hereunto set buttny my land hand and affa ed the great seat or it at t salt sait lake city ON 1 ath day of august A 1 1910 C S bacal EA cal secretary of states state |