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Show Coming Production KinS Jared" Rehearsals of the new Bjoa of Mormoi pHv, King Jared, are progressing very satisfactorily, consequently a most artistic and pieasing performance is looked forward to. Great care and deliberation has been taken in the selection of actors and actresses to essay the romantic roles of the sturdy Jarediies. No detail, no matter how small, within the power of the management, has been ( verlooked in giving the public an acceptable cast, elaborate scenery, and buntiful costumes. A brief sketch of the Jaredite nation will give one a good idea of the if r eat possibilities for tie constructioi of an interesting and romantic play employing the great essential features of love, hatred, scorn, jjilousy and greed, contained in the story of , l-- the Jaredites. Tin play deals with the Jaredite nation who lived in North Amerl-eand especially in the eastern part of the United States, and who aeording to the accounts given of them in the Book of Mormon, were one of the greatest nations of antiquity. In fact, the prophet says: "No mightier nation ever lived on the earth. The play begins with the period in the history of the Jaredite people when they were ruled over by kings, which was contrary to the counsel of their fathers and the With prophets among them. them the youngest son inherited tin- - crown from his father, instead of the oldest. This fact seemed to have aroused the anger of Jared, the oldest son of Omer, and he rebelled against his father and obtained the kingdu.ni from the aged monarch, whom he held in captivity until the younger sons had grown to manhood, when they gave battle to their tyrant brother and obtained the kingdom back again to their father, the aged rnonrach. This battle was fought all night long, and the play opens with this battle still raging in the back ground at early dawn, showing the Hill Cmiiorali around which they were fighting. After Jared is defeated, his life being spared through the intercession of his father, he became vgry sorrowful because of the loss of Ins kingdom. Ills daughter observing her fathers sadness, devises a scheme showing how the kingdom can be regained through the aid of the seeret orders, then common among the people. The daughter of Jared is a most beautiful young woman, fascinating, artful and very shrewd. Her plan, which is accepted by her father, is to win by her beauty and eun- ning the heart of Akish, a friend and counsellor to the ,old king Omer, accordingly a sumptuous banquet is prepared at which Akish is a guest of honor. The daughter of Jared, whose beauty is enhanced by her jewels and dress, completely captivates the heart of Akish as she dances before the merry throng at the banquet hall. When Akish seeks her father out and asks for her hand in marriage, according to the prearranged plans, he is told that he may have the fair one on one condition, a condition Akish is eager to learn, and is astounded when he is told he must bring the head of his old friend the king. He shrinks in horror at the awful condition, but is dazzled by the beauty of Zalmona. who just at this moment smiles bewitchingly upon him and the proposition of he accepts Jared for his daughters hand. Akish becomes at once the leader of a powerful secret organization, and undertakes the task imposed upon him by the wiles of beauty. King Omer. attended by his lovely daughter, is aroused from his slumber in the royal palace just after the departure of her lover. One of the sons of the aged king takes precaution for the saftv of their monarch by strengthening the guard and taking personal charge of the same, but Akish. with his band, overpowers the guard and captures the royal party at the time of their intended flight. Akish having been the means of placing Jared on the throne thinks himself capable of becoming king-lican make him If says: him and seat I unmake king. can a f e I , myself upon the throne at will. By the aid of his powerful band he accomplishes his ambition after having slain King Jared. Having become king. Akish tires of Zalmona, who scorns him as her fathers murderer. Being thus scorned by her who had lured him from the path of honor he turns toward the purity and longs for the love of Omers lovely daughter, Angeline, whom he holds a prisoner in the palace. He seeks her chamber and endeavors to win her for his own. She, however, scorns his foul proposal and reminds him of the guilty past. He pleads with her and offers to share the crown with her, but all to no purpose. She is determined to retain her purity and calls upon heaven for assistance. Akish not to be baffled, seizes her in an attempt to overcome her when her lover, the courageous Sheinlon, appears upon the scene, the gates of the palace having been unbarred for him by Zalmona, with the result that Sheinlon engages Akish in a dud. ending with Akish beforced over the balcony to his ing death. At this juncture the aged King Omer is escorted into the palace by his sons and attendants and prcolaimed king amid tin plaudits of welcome from his followers. The scenery is original and has been painted especially :,r the play. The Hill Cumorah, which was known to the Jaredites as Ramah. is a painting that is atter-tibl- e THE CROCKERY PEOPLE- AT TH FOUIn! Ogden, September DONT STAT 23rd 30th to THE MIST ou fO BIG SHOW AT OUR GREAT REMODE! NG SALE Our Entire Stock Cut in Price to Make Sw.ce iof Workmen We make a special offer of prepaying freight on all purchases of $10.00 or c .;. i all points in Davis, Weber, Morgan and Summit counties. Notice the tremendous cuts on goods below and you will find our store crowded with attractive offerings in all lines of ' X v L House Furnishing Dinnerware, China, Glassware, Silverware, Enamelware Dinner Sets, 27 styles Special full gold decorated Enough for 6 persons Genuine Rogers Knives and Forks Warranted 12 Dwt. Dolls Toys Uoiir I oys This dept, hasyiist been openedSpecial We have just received 5,000 assorted with of interest. Be sure and see them. They are new and beautiful and prices range from d Set 6 Knives and Forks All other silverware on great discount d Ogden Souvenirs views of Ogdens points S3J8 interest. The, tracting other scenes of the Banquet Hall and the Throne Room in the palace are especially fine and well to portray to advantage the strong climaxes of this wonderful wide-sprea- - Remember we pay th freight Thi includes all $1.25, $1.50 $1.75 and $2.00 doll See cur other specials 10c to 50c play. CARD OF THANKS. The family of Hie late Mrs. Mary Jane McNeil wishe to thank all who so kindly assisted during the illness and death of their mother and grandmother. LAYTON. Leonard Sandall arrived home last Thursday from Sugar City, where he had spent the summer. lie visited relatives and friends in Malad City on his way down. Mrs. Wallace Cowley arrived here from Canada last week. F. R. Richardson returned from his trip to Thayne, Wyo., last week. A number of young people from here are attending school in Logan. Miss Latitia Flint is teaching school in Logan. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Raddon the latter part of last week. THE CROCKERY - One hundred dollars will be paid for additional information that will help convict tbtf person who set fire to the Morgan Crescent ore house.funday, June 26th. All inhumation will be strictly confidential. 23. Geo. T. Steuhouse. Manager M. C. Mg. Co. I MRS. MARY, A. TOLMAN 90a. y.XOO week. Offers this week: The work of installing motors 35 acres on Upper County at the mill is now about completed Road above Kaysville at $10.00 and ready for to be connected up. acre. Our school started Monday. K. per and have one shed 24x70 feet, another-20x9and one 22x135 feet. Fred Major has accepted the principalship at Glendale, Kam county. Miss Josie Seaman, who taught here last year, is also teaching there this winter. Mrs. Joseph Ilarrod gave a Dutch supper Monday evening. The son of Jed Hudis feared he is is ill and it son of a ease developing typhoid ievee. Tomatoes hae been ripening so fast that the cannery lias hardly been able to handle them as fast as the fanners bring them in They have ripened unusually fast this year. Good vinegar jugs for sale at the Layton Drug Company at 25e and 35c. Approved Knitted Garments 50c pair and up Send us or call at yourrders east of Ham factors. oneKlocl forger depot 1 302 25th Street, Ogden, Utah 50 f acres between Kaysville Layton, lyititjjfist west of Five Points and juX'fcelow the O. S. L track, at $9730. House of rooms near Dummy station, one acre of land, $150. Good terms. Bell phone, 63, L. J. Muir, Mgr. I "County Recorder is in his ofijhe Tuesday and . No. 3 No. 9 FIRST f. Salt Lake & Ogden, and Salt Lake City, Lagoon Route. Between Ogden The Only Electrically equipped railroad in the west ; through the beautiful fruit and faming belt of Weber and Davis Counties; No smoke; No Cinders No Dust. Passenger Statnui CornerJ?6th and Lincoln Ave. Heart of the Business DistrieKMi 0gden, Fare for round trip, $1.80; good ten days. Sundaj'alHMIollidays $1.00, the round trip; all tickets good for Stop Over ehipr direction at the Beautiful 12 Tnuds each way. Leae Ogden 6:10 a.m., 7:30 Lagoon. a.m. and every ifour and half to 10 :3(5 p.m. SIMON BAMBERGER, Brest. W. J. RIDD, G. F and P. A 4:54 a. m. 10:18 a. m. NATIONAL BANK MORGAN, UTAH. Established September, 1903 $25,000.00 Capital Stock, Does a genqraTMiankim; business. We pay 4 ppr cirfon savcomings accounts, iistrest Deposits pounded quartrfy. received in anysum from $1 up. us, Why not open an account and establish the habitfsaving a little from the preefit income, it will be needed jitf'er while. James Pinurek, President. Thurday 'fronil0tol2a m., Joseph Williams, Y. 2 1 p. m. Robbing J. L Hatch, Cashier. jind Vice-Pres- The Busy Merchant Has a big premunliargaiti for you. Thebighow win- dow' are full olthem. . of your time. About Why not lie on one of those comfortable mattresses sold by YOU LIE 'THE CROCKERY PEOPLE REWARD National Irrigation ConglessPueblo, Colo., Sept. 26 30, 1910. excursions via. O S. L. and Un. m Pacific to Denver, Colorado iprings, and Pueblo Tickets on ale September 24th and 25th. ,imit, October 15th See agents or rates ard further particu-irs- . fr King is principal. L. S. Ileywood & Sous Co. are moving their buildings, sheds, lumber and everything they have back on to their ground, which faces Depot street. They are also building some large sheds. They PEOPLE -- 9 Inc. Free Souvenirs Saturday to the Ladies OGDENS BUSY STORE confinement UNION PACIFIC TIME CARD 'rivate rooms Our toothache drops stop the ases; In effect April 17, 1910: nursing only, hut, toothache. Price 15c. Layton neces?awiwill care for small the Jldit Arrive at Morgan hildren.Onbsblock east of Main Diug Company. m. No. 10 Bell Andrew Cook, who has been treet, Bountiful, Utah. t No. 4 p. m. honq4!6 black. suffering with typhoid fever the Arrive at MwgSm for the West past three or four weeks, was not 4 :44 a. in. No. 5 . . quote so well the first of the BOUNTIFUL REALTY CO. G. Co Richardson-tiun- t Assortment of 400 Selections. one-thir- d KLOSFIT PETTICOATS Prices Right. R. H. Welch. MORGAN will please you and your ne gown will look well, on you if you wear a Klosfit underskirt. i gSteo UTAH. D . The Cash Store. |