Show A joint roo lution proposing all 1111 amend talent os ellon article I 1 4 of tile consal at ai sli 1 a of irn relation to the 1 built it fcc laid 11 nl nisi of i C 1 I antle ettle towo chal schoot r colvell by un the legislature ot or tile the milt 0 n if llull ano of if nil all elected elii tod to burh of tile the two loutica lioci li oui concurring I 1 hel mil salon 1 I that lilt it 11 is in to attlene faction 4 I 1 0 14 article H of ilia HIB of ill tin mall of u he 0 o that th baloo beall dmd n id us it 1 folloni to lon 4 when ty IQ create lit in ili lit ul in ix hi 1 alloi a 3 orthis article no county shall I 1 in nil all ig n ddn axce tiding two pr pi r contu conturo rv no city lomi 14 11 k or other municipal abir lon betonio indented to an I lout ex cx beeping four por it thu value of I 1 alio llio ito 11 tin ruin aliu by ilia last ams ament for state mul anti coll cunner lily pu i brov too s tn alin lorer ring if bicell cuili n except that in inen liutik from alit II 11 lint lat fur for city pur pesi P PUM esi d that ilni no biart of the III edess ed alin ess ni 11 ll wel 1 in ill tilts hicl lun of in 11 in 1 1 I in 1 0 1 burred dorother rother fo tor oilier than astric kiy comity on rily ct alty t town orb or M liu 1 provided pro videt it io fur hi r and hernad clam cla m when a as lit in 1 yuon flon ahrea of llila artmoo may lie ile it 0 R 0 incur indebtedness ia not to OPI four 1 and any city of it aard class Z 1 dowil alit to fo exceed eight 01 ft ad dional it for supplying out t city or town with water r artifice arti in fici I 1 bigi t r severs M whom alio woilford 1 it ying licci water light anil and sewer shall e wn n slid nd controlled br by j f a sections the H r tary of 0 state anto la Is dt rec let tit 0 ono amendment to ba pit bl it UK rt by tile and to bo be submits 4 to tile the electors of tile tile next general elect foll lit in the manner law by the electors el ictor ot at proposed prop obed khall take effect ot tile first day of january lanu ury 1911 ST ATrol W office state 1 I charles B S sec secretary wy of 0 state ot of do hereby certify aliat the ton kolner lit it full true mid and correct copy 0 i nn an amendment to tar section roc lloil 4 of article noot 11 of he constitution or of tile stall or of atall lit in relation rel ullon to alib ut cities and school 1 ed by eighth lar mes N ion of the legislature of this state INT WHEREOF I 1 have here unto set get my fiand ind and slit net title areat sea of 0 tile the state of utalka lit suit salt little city this thin day ot of august Aux A D I 1 1910 0 H S ot of state |