Show VETERANS MAY BE UNITED plan to bring veterans of north and south together atlantic city N J the veterans of the north and those of the south may become becom members ot of the same bame or according to plans now boins boing worked out the forty fourth annual encampment of the orand grand army of the republic commander vant sant and hilary A herbert former secretary of the navy and a general in the confederate army were the principal speakers at a large gathering of Yet veterans erans on an th s steeplechase steeple chase chass pter pier hero here sunday afternoon general herbert eulogized the members of file grand army lie ha told how the wearers bearers of the blue and the wearers bearers of the gray were welded together gather to la in the cause of the union coin man der ln in calef van sant and general daniel E sickles tooth both say may they would work for the proposition advocated by general herbert of bringing the grizzled veterans of the north and south together it to Is believed that this demonstration of friendly feeling will end the agitation against the placing of a statue of general robert E lee in statuary hall ball at washington |